Dr. Gary Meyer
Dr. Gary MeyerMarquette University

Johnston Hall, 306

MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
(414) 288-6350



PHD, Communication, Michigan State University
MS, Resource Development, Michigan State University
BBA, Finance and Economics, University of Wisconsin

Research Interests

Leadership, Persuasion, and Health Communication

Professional Experience

Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Marquette University
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Marquette University
Associate Dean, Diederich College of Communication, Marquette University

Honors and Awards

Excellence in Teaching, Marquette University
Distinguished Book of the Year, National Communication Association
Outstanding New Teacher, Central States Communication Association
Dean's Recognition Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Diederich College of Communication
Dean's Recognition Award for Outstanding Teaching, Diederich College of Communication
Dean’s Recognition Award for Outstanding Service, Diederich College of Communication