Writing Accountability Program

Do you want (or need) to get more writing done? Did you know that writers who write regularly (rather than waiting to feel inspired) and share their progress with someone else produced three times as much text and reported enjoying writing more?    

Because many graduate students would benefit from more structure and encouragement as they work through a large project (like a dissertation or master’s thesis)—we invite you to participate in the Writing Accountability Partners (or WrAP) Program.   Facilitated by the Ott Memorial Writing Center, the WrAP Program offers focused accountability for a limited number of graduate student writers.      

We’re not here to tell you exactly what your process should be and we’re not here to make you feel guilty.  We’re here to (i) provide some low-stakes external accountability; (ii) cheerlead you and your project; (iii) help you brainstorm ways of setting goals and protecting your time to help you make the progress you want and need to make.    

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What is a Writing Accountability Partner (WrAP)?    

What do I get by participating in the WrAP program?    

What kind of commitment is required?    

When and where?    

How do I sign up?