Instructors of Record

The Ott offers instructional support to all graduate students, faculty, and staff interested in not only assigning but also teaching writing as instructors of record as well as mentors to students working on special projects, theses, and dissertations.  .

Contact us to organize informational classroom visits at any point in the semester. It can be helpful for students to learn about the Ott from a peer tutor at the start of the semester, 2-3 weeks before a major writing assignment is due, or the same time as feedback on first drafts is being offered.

The Ott also offers in-class workshops on a variety of topics, including literature reviews, writing in STEM disciplines, planning writing projects, and revising drafts effectively. Please note: Our ability to offer workshops is dependent on tutor availability. We do our best to match tutors trained to deliver specific workshops and instructor requests.

Instructors can also partner with the Ott for an Assignment SOS or pre-arranged out-of-class tutoring tailored to suit a specific course assignment. Follow this link to learn more, including how to apply for this opportunity. Please note: The Ott can support 8-12 Assignment SOSes per semester; applications are read on a first-come, first served basis.

Additionally, instructors are welcome to make an appointment at the Ott to work on course materials. Peer tutors are ready, willing, and able to offer feedback on course syllabi, assignment prompts, course slides, and D2L arrangements.

We also welcome inquiries that may lead to new partnerships and programming, and we encourage instructors as well as mentors and advisors to recommend students to become tutors. Recruitment takes place each fall prior to spring course registration.