Community Engaged Research Partnership Development Grant

The Office of Economic Engagement invites applicants to seek funding for the Community/Corporate Engaged Research Partnership Development Grant. This grant will provide a stipend to a faculty member and community organization or corporation to co-develop a new engaged research partnership that will address a mutually-identified need. The purpose of this stipend is to expand the number of bi-directional, engaged research partnerships. Submitted projects should include a predetermined community or corporate partner and respond to a key community or corporate issue. It is intended for these funds to start a new partnership/relationship, or a new project within an existing relationship.

Proposals will be reviewed and selected by representatives from the Office of Economic Engagement, along with a faculty advisory board comprised of individuals advancing community and/or corporate engaged research.

Applications should be emailed to the Office of Community Engagement by April 17, 2020. Awards will be announced in mid-May. Research partnership development will occur June 2020-June 2021.

The President's Challenge

The President's Challenge has been developed in partnership with the Johnson Controls Foundation, to provide a $250,000, two-year grant for one interdisciplinary, collaborative proposal that seeks to change the trajectory of lives in our community by addressing one or more of the critical areas in which neighborhood inequities exist, including health, education, safety, housing, transportation and economic prosperity.

Women and Girls of Color Research Initiative Grant

In 2016, the CGSS and Marquette University joined a collaborative of universities and organizations who made an active commitment to invest in research and scholarship in the lives of women and girls of color. Depending on the project and funds available, the Research Initiative Grant will provide between $10,000 to $100,000 to select projects that examine this population. Some projects will be funded outright and others will be selected for fundraising solicitations with selected benefactors. Funding can be used to begin, continue, and complete a research or writing project on women and girls of color. Authorized expenses include: student research assistants, research related travel, to supplement faculty salaries, computer equipment, or general purpose software. Each faculty applicant can request a stipend of up to $2,000 per summer of funding. All proposals will be reviewed by a grant review committee and funding decisions will be made by the CGSS board and the Provost. Preference will be given to applicants whose projects have not received any extramural support, to interdisciplinary research teams, as well as projects that have a particular focus on the Milwaukee area. Successfully funded faculty will be required to meet with ORSP to discuss external funding of their project. An informational session on the Women and Girls of Color Research Initiative Grant will be held on April 5th at 2pm in AMU 254, please feel free to attend and bring a colleague! The application submission date is May 7th, 2018 by 11:59pm.