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Health Insurance
All Marquette F-1 students and J-1 students and scholars/researchers along with their J-2 dependents are required to purchase acceptable health insurance throughout their program (excluding post-completion OPT for F-1 students) at Marquette via Marquette’s international student group insurance program and have documented their ability to pay for this insurance as part of qualifying for their MU I-20 or DS-2019.* Students and scholars will automatically be enrolled in the plan before arrival and coverage will start on the first day of the month in which the the program begins. Charges for the first period of coverage are payable upon arrival. Charges for subsequent periods of insurance coverage are payable before the start of each new coverage period. (Normal coverage periods for the plan are January through July and August through December.) Billing details will be available before the start of each coverage period via the MU account for students and via an email from OIE for scholars/ researchers.
Health care coverage via Marquette’s international student group insurance program may be extended for up to 90 days beyond the normal end of the coverage if extended coverage is purchased with 31 days of the expiration date of regular coverage via the individual's MyAccount portal
Special note for J-1 Scholars/Researchers: If you will be employed by Marquette as part of your J-1 program, your host department may pay for a portion of your health insurance costs in light of the fact that Marquette's standard employee health insurance plan does not meet the J-1 regulatory requirements for health insurance. You will be responsible for any cost not covered by your host department.
*Health Insurance Exemptions:
Only F-1 international students with alternate U.S. health insurance coverage through a government sponsor or through a parent or spouse employed in the U.S. can be exempt from the Marquette plan. Exemptions must be approved by the Office of International Education (OIE) in advance. Any exemption requests made after the start of the semester won't go into effect until the following semester. Students approved for practical training or academic training with an option for insurance coverage cannot be waived or exempted from the insurance plan. Any student who withdraws from all courses or the university during the semester will still be responsible for health insurance charges.
There is a 30-day grace period to withdraw from the health insurance plan due to institutional withdrawal or transfer. The 30-day grace period begins on the start date of the regular undergraduate academic term. Withdrawals can only be granted if UHCSR verifies that you haven’t already used the insurance.
To request a health insurance waiver, please fill out the Health Insurance Waiver Request form, and send the form, along with a copy of your health insurance card, to tammy.meyers@marquette.edu.
Insurance Plan and Cost Details
The Marquette international student group insurance plan is managed by UnitedHealthcare Student Resources. A detailed description of the plan and cost information is available on the Marquette Risk Management website. (See links for International Student and Scholar Health Insurance.)
The plan provides coverage for vision and dental services for minor children only. It does not provide these services for persons 18 years of age or older.
Insurance Calendar and Enrollment
Using the Insurance and Insurance Cards
Dependent coverage
Finding Medical Care
Students and scholars should use the Marquette University Medical Clinic. Dependents are not eligible for care at the Marquette Medical Clinic. The Medical Clinic will bill your UHC Student Resources International insurance for services, the majority of services are covered. If you are referred to or choose to use an outside facility such as a specialist, urgent care, emergency room or private doctor, you are responsible for any payment for services obtained at these other facilities. Take a copy of your insurance card with you. Before you go, contact your insurance company to determine which facility/doctor is covered by your insurance.
Marquette University Medical Clinic Main
Schroeder Health Complex, lower level
540 N. 16th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Phone: (414) 288-7184
If your medical needs require services beyond the scope of what the Marquette University Medical Clinic is able to provide, they will refer you to specialists in the Milwaukee area who have the training, facilities, and technology to provide further care. You are responsible for any payment for services obtained at these other facilities. Common referrals and specialists in the area can be found at https://www.marquette.edu/medical-clinic/ref-mainpage.php.
When the Marquette clinic is closed, students should contact the NurseDirect Helpline at 1-855-839-5121. This after-hours nurse line is available when the MU Medical Clinic is closed and is free of charge for all Marquette students. Students calling NurseDirect will be able to speak with a registered nurse, ask health and medical questions, and have their concerns addressed in a confidential manner. If NurseDirect suggests seeking care at an Urgent Care or the Emergency Room, you are responsible for payment for services obtained at these facilities. Take a copy of your insurance card with you. Before you go contact your insurance company to determine which facility is covered by your insurance.
Urgent Care Clinics
Private Doctor
Serious Emergencies or Trauma
Dental and Vision Care
Questions About Insurance Benefits/Coverage
Questions about what the policy covers should be directed to UnitedHealthcare Customer Service at 1-800-767-0700 or customerservice@uhcsr.com.
Questions about claims should be directed to UnitedHealthcare Customer Service at 1-800-767-0700 or customerservice@uhcsr.com. You can check your claim status and Explanation of Benefits (EOB) in your MyAccount portal.