  • Norah Louise Johnson, Ph.D., RN, CPNP-PC, FAAN

    Norah Louise Johnson
    Norah Louise Johnson, Ph.D., RN, CPNP-PC, FAANMarquette University

    Straz Hall, 558

    MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
    (414) 288-3857

    Professor, Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Program Director

    Highest Degree and Institution

    Ph.D., Marquette University

    Courses Taught

    NURS 3956H:  Honors Nursing Practicum

    NURS 6007: Ethics, Policy and Health Care Advocacy

    NURS 6010:  Research and Evidence

    NURS 6540:  Seminar in Child and Family Health

    NURS 8001: Foundations for Scholars

    NURS 8982:  Doctoral Research Practicum

    NURS 9988:  Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Preparation

    NURS 9998:  Doctoral Dissertation Continuation

    Research Interests

    The aim of Dr. Johnson's research is the development of knowledge and interventions to decrease child challenging behaviors and improve the health of persons with developmental disabilities such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and their caregivers. She works with an interdisciplinary team as part of the Marquette Autism Initiative. She studies family care-giving stress, family functioning and quality of life as well as exercise as medicine including swimming programs for children with autism and their caregivers. Her community engaged program of research uses mixed methodology. She developed a copyrighted iPhone autism Health Care Manager app. She is also a member of the Milwaukee Pediatric Nursing Research Consortium involved in translational research, implementation evaluation, and developing and evaluating staff development curriculums for pediatric hospitals.

    Professional Affiliations

    American Academy of Nursing bioethics expert panel

    American Nursing Association

    Autism Society of South Eastern Wisconsin

    Centers for Independence, Milwaukee, Board Member

    International Family Nurses Association

    International Society Autism Research (INSAR)

    National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners

    St. Coletta of Wisconsin, Board Member

    Wisconsin Chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners

    Wisconsin Nursing Association


    Pediatric Primary Care


    Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner-Primary Care (CPNP-PC)


    Link to Marquette University E-Publications - Johnson

    Honors and Awards

    American Academy of Nursing, Fellow (2021)

    Julie Lathrop Nursing Research Award, Children’s Wisconsin (2020)

    Fulbright Specialist in Global Public Health (2017-2022)

    Journal of Pediatric Health Care's Leah Harrison Excellence in Clinical Writing Award for 2017.

    Copyright Recognition Award for: Going to MRI for a Research Study iPad Application 2016

    Developmental Behavioral Mental Health (DBMH) SIG Advocacy Award 2016


    2021: Battling the Bottleneck: Increasing Capacity for ASD Diagnosis within Primary Healthcare Across WI, Co-I, Medical College of Wisconsin/Advancing Healthier Wisconsin (PI K.Koth Medical College of WI)

    2019: Co-I (PI: McDermott, K. & Costello, A.) Evaluating the Implementation of an Innovative Intradisciplinary, Multi-Patient Simulation Experience Pilot in a University Setting, NAPNAP Wisconsin Chapter Research Award grant.

    2019: PI ( CO-PI Bekhet, A., Ng, A., VanHecke, A.) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Funding for the Development of an effective fitness intervention for caregivers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Marquette University Athletic and Human Performance Research Center.

    2019-2021: CO-I (PI Van Hecke, A. & Jepsen, L.) “Presidents Challenge Next Step Clinic". Johnson Controls

    2019: Co-PI (Co-PI Bekhet, A.) "A Swimming  Program for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Impact of Child Challenging Behaviors and Caregiver's Psychological Well-Being," Sponsored by Committee on Research Marquette University SFF/RRG.

    2019: Co-PI (Co-PI: Bekhet, A., Co-I: Ng, A., VanHecke, A.) "Development of an effective fitness intervention for caregivers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder," Autism Society of South Eastern Wisconsin.

    2018-2019: Co-PI (Co-PI: Lerret, S. Co-I: Garnier-Villarreal, M. Ahamed, S. I.) "Peds THINk (Transition to Home INtervention):  Nursing Interventions to Improve Discharge Outcomes," CTSI/ NIH Traditional Pilot Award. National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Award Number UL1TR001436.

    2018-2021: Co-PI (Co-PI: Lerret, S., Co-I: Polfuss, M. (Co-Investigator), "Pediatric SM - THINk (Self-Management Transition to Home Intervention): Nursing Intervention to Improve Hospital Discharge Outcomes," Pediatric Nursing Consortium of Milwaukee

    2018-2019: Co-PI (Co-PI: Van Hecke, A. V., Carlson, M. E., Krueger, W., Co-I: Young, T. Makky, K., Walker-Dalhouse, D. J. Supporting: Levine, E., Barrington, A., "Explorer Challenge: Interdisciplinary Autism Initiative," Sponsored by Marquette University, Marquette University.

    2018: "Knowledge exchange in child & family nursing: University College Dublin School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Systems, Dublin Ireland," Fulbright Specialist: Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, United States Department of State.

    2017-2019: CO-PI (Co-PI: Van Hecke, A. V.). "WI Act Early ECQUiP Project University of WI Subaward No. 734K753 to Marquette University (MSN197506), Health Research Services Administration, State.

    2016-2018: PI ( Supporting: Ahamed, S. I.) "Using an iPad application to prepare for Imaging," Marquette University Innovation Funds, Marquette University.

    David A. Straz, Jr., home of Marquette University's College of Nursing