Graduate Student Research Travel Awards

There are several funding sources for graduate student travel to conferences and annual meetings. Awards from many of these sources are restricted to graduate students who are presenting papers or posters, but a few extramural sources may provide funds for graduate students who are not presenting to attend a conference or annual meeting. 

Intramural Funding

1. Check with your Department for funding opportunities

Many academic departments allocate some funding to support graduate student travel to conferences and annual meetings. You may wish to inquire about the availability of funding in your department prior to submitting a conference proposal.

2. Travel Awards offered through the Graduate School

The Graduate School supports student research that raises the profile of Marquette University through the Graduate Student Research Travel Award (GSRTA). Follow these guidelines to appropriately complete the application:

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Amount of Support

Eligibility Requirements

Application Form

Deadlines and Selection Process

How to Request Your Reimbursement


Extramural Funding

Conference or annual meeting sponsors/organizers

Many organizations who sponsor conferences and annual meetings provide travel awards for graduate student presenters. Information about these awards may not be evident on the conference or annual meeting website, especially for larger conferences. You may find it helpful to search online by the name of the organization along with "travel award", "graduate travel", or "travel grant".

Pivot database

Pivot is a searchable funding opportunities and expertise database. It is available to all Marquette faculty, staff, and students via computers on Marquette's network and via out-of-network computers using CheckMarq credentials.

A wide range of funding opportunities are available via Pivot. To search for graduate student travel awards in particular, you may find it helpful to:

  1. Click on the "Advanced Search" link.
  2. Leave "All Fields" selected and enter "travel" into the search box.
  3. Click on "Applicant Type" and select "Graduate Student."
  4. Click the blue "Search" button in the upper right corner of the page.

Learn additional information and tips about using Pivot.