Distinguished Fellowships and Assistantships

The following opportunities are for current students pursing their Doctoral degree. 

Richard W. Jobling Distinguished Research Assistantship

The Richard W. Jobling Distinguished Research Assistantship is made possible through a generous donation to Marquette University in support of graduate students in the sciences. Students enrolled in, or admitted to Ph.D. programs for NSF-defined STEM disciplines will be eligible.

The purpose of this program is to encourage and support research activity by Ph.D. students in the fields of science or engineering. Recipients can be new or current students at Marquette University. Awardees must use the time provided by the award to conduct research relevant to their specific interests under the supervision of their research mentor or other qualified faculty member.

Jobling Guidelines

Nomination Form

Rev. John P. Raynor, S.J. Fellowship

The Rev. John P. Raynor, S.J. Fellowships are funded by an endowment from members of the President’s Council. As a fitting tribute to Fr. Raynor, the donors specified that the fellowships foster excellent scholarships for graduate students.

Rev. John P. Raynor, S.J. was president of Marquette University from 1965 to 1990. The Raynor Fellowships are funded by an endowment created by members of the President’s Council. As a fitting tribute to Fr. Raynor, the donors specified that the fellowships be awarded to promising graduate students to engage in advanced study and research to prepare themselves for professional lives of service to their community and country.

Raynor Guidelines

Nomination form

Arthur J. Schmitt Leadership Fellows 

Arthur J. Schmitt was an industrial executive who expressed his commitment to education, and the development of responsible leadership through Christian principles and ideals. He founded the Arthur J. Schmitt Foundation in 1941, dedicating its resources toward fashioning a better and more humane world.

Learn more about the Schmitt Fellowship, projects, podcasts and impact book

Schmitt Fellowship Guidelines

Cyril E. Smith Trust Smith Family Fellowship

Cyril E. Smith (1900-1969) was a lifelong educator who came to Marquette University in 1934. In 1974, Dr. Smith honored Marquette graduate students in history and the humanities with the wonderful gift of a unique scholarship trust.

Given in the memory of Cyril, his sister Virginia, and their parents, the Smith Family Fellowship provides a stipend of approximately $21,000 to doctoral-level graduate students in the humanities (English, history, philosophy, religious studies).

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Graduate School Dean's Research Enhancement Award


Nomination Process