College of Education Field Experience

Field Experiences


College of Education field experiences must be “developmental in scope and sequence and occur in a variety of school settings” (PI 34.15). Field experiences are designed to provide students with opportunities to work with pupils from diverse ethnic, racial, and socio-economic backgrounds in Milwaukee area schools.

Students must meet the requirements of Marquette’s College of Education along with the State of Wisconsin's Department of Public Instruction. Specific hours are assigned to different courses.

There are four formal and separate field experiences in the College of Education teacher preparation program for both undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students. 

EDUC 1000, EDUC 1001 (all teacher certification candidates and educational studies majors)

EDUC 4217/5217 (all teacher certification candidates)

EDUC 2001: Teaching Practice I—Teaching Models and Instructional Design (all teacher certification candidates) 

EDUC 4367/5367: Integrated STEM Methods (elementary candidates only)

EDUC 4047/5047: Advanced Teaching Practice in Middle and High School (only secondary candidates) 

 Advanced Teaching Methods with Content Specific Course Numbers (only secondary candidates) 

Community-Engaged Internships I and II: EDUC 4896 and EDUC 4897 (EDST candidates only)