  • Alexandra Kriofske Mainella, Ph.D.

    Alexandra Kriofske Mainella
    Alexandra Kriofske Mainella, Ph.D.Marquette University

    Schroeder Complex, 168B

    MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
    (414) 288-7780
    Curriculum Vitae

    Assistant Professor

    Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology


    • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
    • M.A., Marquette University
    • B.A., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

    Research Interests

    My research interests center around topics that are difficult for people to talk about.  I research sexuality and sexual health education for people with disabilities. I am interested in the impact of sexual health education and information on the mental wellbeing for people with disabilities and without. I also research multicultural counseling and its connection to self-compassion and humility.   I am interested in the experiences of students in counselor education programs on talking about topics of race, racism, oppression and privilege in the classroom.  I am currently launching a mixed methods study to understand that phenomenon and make these conversations more productive in and out of academia. 


    Johnson, E. J., Chan, F., Kaseroff, A., Kriofske Mainella, A., Flowers, S., Morrison, B., Sung, C., Catalano, D. & Iwanaga, K. (2017).  Psychosocial mechanisms explaining the association between spirituality and happiness in individuals with spinal cord injuries. Journal of Rehabilitation, 83(4), 34-42.

    Kriofske Mainella, A. M. & Smedema, S. (2021). Sexual health education and life satisfaction for people with congenital neurological disabilities. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin,  https://doi.org/10.1177%2F00343552211031870

    Phillips, B. N., Reyes, A., Kriofske Mainella, A. M., Kesselmayer, R. F., & Jacobson, J. D. (2018). A needs driven model of workplace social effectiveness in adults with disabilities.  Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 1-13. DOI: 10.1177/003-43 522 177476/690.

    Sharp, S., Thompson, K., Friefeld, R., & Kriofske, Mainella, A. (2017). Investigating disability advocacy: An exploratory factor analysis of the Disability Advocacy Inventory.  Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Association41(2), 23-40. 

    Invited Book Chapters

    Kriofske Mainella, A. M. & Smedema, S. M. (2019). Coping and adaptation to disability. In Disability: Social Psychological Perspectives. Oxford University Press: Academy of Rehabilitation Psychology Series.

    Honors and Awards

    Marquette Center for Peacemaking Rhynne Fellowship (2022)

    Paul Lustig Memorial Scholarship (2018-2019)

    Milwaukee Business Journal, 40 under 40 (2013)

    Vera Institute of Justice National Roundtable: Sexual abuse of children with disabilities (2012)

    Distinguished Youth Service Provider of the Year Award, Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative (2012)


    Kriofske Mainella, A. M. & Tocci, B. (2022, March). The moderating effect of positive sexual self-concept on the relationship between disability impact and satisfaction with life. Accepted presentation at the Marquette University Conference: Disability at the Intersection of History, Culture, Religion, Gender and Health.  Milwaukee, WI

    Kriofske Mainella, A.M., Ong, L., & Callender, K. A. (2022, March). Multicultural counseling: Getting on the same page with self-compassion, humility, and mindfulness. Accepted presentation at the National Council for Rehabilitation Education Conference.  San Diego, CA

     Kriofske Mainella, A. M., Tocci, B., & Miller, C. (2022, April). Development of the Acquired Sexual Knowledge Questionnaire: A multidimensional measure.  Accepted presentation at the Midwest Psychological Association. Chicago, IL.

    Kriofske Mainella, A. M. (2020, June). The birds and the bees are for everyone: Sexual health and subjective well-being for people with congenital neuromuscular disability. Accepted presentation at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education, Online Conference

    Kriofske Mainella, A. M.  & Liebowitz, C. (2020, June). Sexual health education for people with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities. Invited presentation at the National Council on Independent Living, Online Conference.

    Kriofske Mainella, A. M. & Smedema, S. M. (2018, March). Higher order positivity variables and suicide risk in at-risk African Americans. Accepted presentation at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education, Anaheim, CA.

    Phillips, B. N., Reyes, A., Kriofske Mainella, A. M., Kesselmayer, R. F., & Jacobson, J. D. (2018, March).  A needs driven model of workplace social effectiveness in adults with disabilities. Accepted poster presentation at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education, Anaheim, CA.

    Kriofske Mainella, A.M. (2015, February). Public policy and sexuality education for youth with disabilities: Impact on sexual behavior and outcomes. Presentation presented at the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, London, England, United Kingdom.

    Kriofske Mainella, A.M. (2014, October). Sex is an independent living skill. Presentation presented at the Association on Programs of Rural Independent Living. Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

    Kriofske Mainella, A.M. (2014, July). Sex is an independent living skill. Presentation presented at the National Council of Independent Living Annual Conference. Washington, D.C. United States.

    Kriofske Mainella, A.M. (2013, July). Sex is an independent living skill. Presentation presented at the National Council of Independent Living Annual Conference. Washington, D.C., United States.


    Kriofske Mainella, A. M. (2021, May). Sex education and information for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Lecture presented at the statewide meeting of Wisconsin Department of Health and Human Services/Disability Division.

    Kriofske Mainella, A. M. (2021, March). The talk is not just a one-time thing: Talking about sex with youth and adolescents.  Lecture presented at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Life Impact Program

    Kriofske Mainella, A.M. (2019, October). The birds and the bees are for everyone: Sexual learning for individuals with disabilities. Lecture taught at Marquette University Human Sexuality and Psychology course. Milwaukee, W.I., United States

    Kriofske Mainella, A.M. (2017, February). Sexuality, disability, and consent. Lecture taught at Madison Area Technical College Human Sexuality and Psychology course. Madison, W.I., United States.

    Kriofske Mainella, A.M. (2017, March). Sexuality and disability. Lecture taught at Marquette University Human Sexuality and Psychology course. Milwaukee, W.I., United States.

    Kriofske Mainella, A.M. (2017, September). Sexual health education for rehabilitation counselors. Lecture taught at Southern University Psychosocial and Medical Aspects of Disability course.  Baton Rouge, L.A., United States

    Invited presentations for National Webinars

    Kriofske Mainella, A.M. (2014, September). Funding and delivering youth transition programs: One CIL’s experience with sexuality education. Webinar presented for Independent Living Research Utilization New Community Opportunities Center.

    Kriofske Mainella, A.M. (2014, August). Expanding CIL capacity through youth transition services: Collaborating with school districts and vocational rehabilitation. Webinar presented for Independent Living Research Utilization, New Communities Opportunities Center.

    Kriofske Mainella, A. M. (2017, August). Sex is an independent living skill: Webinar presented for the Association of Rural Independent Living Topical Trainings.

    Entrance to Schroeder Complex