Endowed Scholarships, Fellowships and Professorships
For those interested in investing in the future of dentistry, we invite you to consider a gift of an endowed scholarship or professorship. Endowed scholarships allow the School of Dentistry to invest in bright students who might otherwise be unable to afford a Marquette dental education. Scholarships also offer our graduates the potential to accumulate less debt. Endowed scholarships to the dental school begin at $50,000; you can add to your scholarship over time or augment it through your estate plans.
An endowed fellowship provides tuition support for students pursuing one of our many post-doctoral dental programs. Fellowships enable us to recruit the most promising students in these fields. Like scholarships, the minimum commitment to create an endowed fellowship fund is $50,000 and can be paid over time. The fellowship can be named to honor a loved one and can be restricted to any one of our master’s programs.
A gift of an endowed professorship is a special gift for those wanting to invest in the future of dental education. With an investment of $1 million or more, an endowed professorship allows us to recruit the most respected educators in the field, knowing the salary and other related expenses are off-set by the gift itself. This, in turn, means our students receive the best possible dental education.
Endowed Scholarships and Fellowships
- Can be created for a minimum investment of $50,000.
- Can be named in honor of the donor or of an honoree of the donor’s choosing.
- Endowed fellowships can be restricted to a student in one of our post-doctoral programs.
- Gifts can be made over time and can be established or augmented through a gift from the donor’s estate.
Endowed Professorships
- Can be established for a minimum investment of $1 million.
- Can be named in honor of the donor or of an honoree of the donor’s choosing.
- Gifts can be made over time and can be established or augmented through a gift from the donor’s estate.
How can I donate?
- Visit the online donation form
- Enter the amount you wish to give.
- Choose "Dental School Dean's Fund" from the "Designation" drop-down menu and click "Add donation".
- Enter gift details.
- Click Continue to proceed towards payment page.
Carol Wacker
Managing Director of Development
School of Dentistry
Phone: (414) 288-0433