Oral Surgery Clinic


What is Oral Surgery?

  • Short description of the clinic

Services we provide

  • List of services provided and description if available

Who we serve?

  • Adults: Yes
  • Children: Yes
  • Special needs: Yes

What to expect?

  • What can the patient expect during a routine appointment?

Patient contact

  • Call (414) 288-6790, Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 A.M. and 4 P.M. to speak with a representative or schedule your initial screening consultation.

Patient emergencies

  • Current patients that have an emergency outside of regular business hours may contact our After-Hours emergency service at (414) 507-8792
  • Current patients that have a dental emergency during regular business hours please contact your assigned student or Clinic Coordinator
  • Emergency walk-in service is available for people in the community who need emergency care.