Omicron Kappa Upsilon, the honorary dental society, was organized in 1914 by the faculty of the Northwestern University Dental School to encourage and develop a spirit of emulation among students of dentistry and to recognize, in an appropriate manner, those who distinguish themselves by a high degree of scholarship.
The Marquette University School of Dentistry recognizes faculty members who have made outstanding contributions to the art, science and literature of dentistry. The name and key of this society are based upon three words, which represent the dental ideal. These words are conservation, teeth and health.
In the key, you see four Greek symbols: “Y,” or Upsilon, is for “hygiea” meaning “health”; “O,” for Omicron, is for “odous” meaning “teeth”; and Kappa meaning “and,” which is with the letter “O.” All three letters are encircled by the prominent letter “Sigma,” which stands for “conservation.”