Five Questions With...
Mentor Samantha Stilp, Arts '
(Mary Cate Simeone, Arts '15, mentee)

Samantha Stilp, Arts '071. What suggestions do you have for mentees?
Take full advantage of your mentor's experience and knowledge, including not being afraid to ask for help in pursuing a job opportunity, reaching out to a professional contact or seeking job
shadowing experiences.

2. If you’ve had a mentor, what’s one piece of advice that sticks with you every day? 
With respect to a career move - Do what makes you happy and fulfilled professionally, and do not be intimidated or influenced by others' opinions of that decision.

3. How do you manage work/life balance? 
I try to set aside a little "me" time each day where I disconnect from phone/email usually in a yoga class, on a run, or on a walk with my dog. Separation from email, even briefly, is (in my opinion) critical to a healthy work/life balance. 

4. What’s your favorite Marquette memory? 
I have too many! A few favorites - freshman move-in weekend where I was accompanied by my parents and grandparents (my dad and grandparents are fellow alumni), Mass with Fr. Naus at the St. Joan of Arc Chapel or any Marquette basketball game (but particularly the one I saw as a senior in high school the year Dwyane Wade left. I mailed in my acceptance the following Monday).

5. Something you wish you would’ve done at Marquette differently to help prepare for your career?  
I wish I would have taken more advantage of the resources available at Marquette with respect to career advising and opportunities. It is rare that you have a dedicated career advisor.

Samantha Stilp is associate legal counsel at Abercrombie & Fitch in Columbus, Ohio.

Five Questions With...appears in the monthly mentor newsletter and theĀ online mentor toolbox.

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