Awards by Year

Magis Awards


First-Year Student Magis Award: Ella Nghiem

Second-Year Student Magis Award: Leen Mortada

Junior Magis Award: Noah Smith

Senior Magis Award: Clare Murphy


First-Year Student Magis Award: Bridgeman Flowers

Second-Year Student Magis Award: Ana Hudson

Junior Magis Award: Michelle Batad

Senior Magis Award: Alexander Liberato


Freshman Magis Award: Christian Schwartz

Sophomore Magis Award: Hunter D'Acquisto

Junior Magis Award: Adán Jiménez

Senior Magis Award: Kaitlin Johnstone

Rev. Andrew J. Thon, S.J. Vice President's Award for Distinguished Leadership, Scholarship, and Service

2022 Lisset Perez Jaramillo 2007 Jamie Wu
2021 Mario Walker 2006 Chris Hoff
2020 Jill Finnell 2004 Angie Gius
2019 Andrea Garcia 2003 Maureen Smith
2018 Alex Halloway and Benjamin Zellmer 2002 Jill Rauh
2017 Allison Dikanovic 2001 Andy Stith
2016 Max Bertolotti 2000 Jenny Walde
2015 Kyle Whelton 1999 Heather Anichini
2014 Spencer Bonahoom 1998 Edward Sivak, Jr
2013 Elyse O’Callaghan 1997 Emily Singler
2012 Trent Carlson 1996 Sara McGinnis
2011 Shazia Ali 1995 Windy Lammers
2010 Tim Kellen 1994 Kristen Maskal
2009 Claire Anglim 1993 Casey Beaumier
2008 Stephen Horras    

Outstanding Class Member Awards

  Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
2014 Karleen Wojczak Markie Pasternak Nora Heiderscheidt; Allen Femy Samson Jessica Bazan; William Jolly
2013 Claudia Grabowski Christian Villanueva Jessie Bazan and Spencer Bonahoom Thomas Lenoir
2012 Joanne Vasquez Madeline Young Joe Daufenbach Shona Hang
2011 Jilly Gokalgandhi Erin Galvin John Dunlap
Molly Milota
John Shusterich
2010 Sean O’Reilly John Heflin Gina Berce Megan Janni
2009 Melissa May Shazia Ali David Quam Katherine Coldwell
2008 Nathan Schultz John Kristan
Desiree Valentine
Claire Anglim
Jason Rae
Andy Hunt
2007 Tim Kellen Kathleen Blaney Katie Shay Rob Mallof
2006 Sara Soriano Evelyn Rodriguez Tim Kummer Martha Trevey
2005 Tim Smith Jason Curtis Matt Manning Emily Rostkowski
2004 Dan Calandriello Bethany Baker
Chris Hoff
Melissa Hergurth Kate Agnew
Sarah Beykirch
2003 Alex Hermanny Stephanie Stopulos Marc Mescher
Bridget Zarling
Tracie Bardonner
2002 Mary McCarthy
Stephen Swieton
Kate Agnew Nick Kusiak Jonathan Parise
2001 Jordan Skaar Dan Parlow Seth Gurgel Katie Elbert
2000 Laura Kingston Drew Stuyvenberg Ann Malinoski Leslie Buckner
Bryan Keane
1999 Maggie Tobin Kate Lehman Lisa Hartman Mark Corsentino
Danny Thomas
1998 Steven Matos Shannon Duwe Eric Koester Kelli Douville
Pamela Swiderski
1997 Benjamin Koch Amy Estlund
James Madlom
Edward Sivak, Jr Kathleen Kraninger
Patrisha Smith
1996 Merissa Ferrara Aleshia Dyson
Jennifer Jaecks
Timothy Page Jeffrey Lochowicz
Andrew Tantillo
1995 Brian Wroblewski Claudine Cappelle Sara McGinnis Stephen Lindsay
1994 Margaret Connors Daphne Cline Russell Beatty Robert Frigo
Note: when the awards were revised in 2015, the class awards were eliminated.