Eagles Landing - Week 3 (Sept 9 - Sept 15)



Center for Student Wellness and Health Promotion Open House

Stop by the Center for Student Wellness and Health Promotion in the 707 Building to learn about Advocacy Services, 8 Dimension of Wellness Events and Peer Wellness Coaching.

Sponsored by Center for Student Wellness


Time: 12pm - 4pm

Location: 707 Building, Room 130


Graduate Health Services Fair

Campus and local health and wellness services table in Lunda Room / Henke Lounge.


Time: 1pm - 4pm

Location: Lunda Room, AMU 2nd Floor


SFL Welcome Back Bash

All undergraduate students are welcome to enjoy free games, food, and music while getting to meet the various Sororities and Fraternities active at Marquette.

Sponsored by Sorority and Fraternity Life


Time: 4pm - 6pm

Location: Ray and Kay Eckstein Common (outside AMU)


Finance & Real Estate Recruiting Fair

Finance is an industry area with early recruitment norms: many organizations recruit for summer 2025 internships and full-time start dates through August-October. This event will offer a jump-start opportunity for students and employers to connect through networking and apply for positions. Dress is business professional.

Sponsored by the Business Career Center


Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm

Location: O'Brien Hall Room 150




Soup with Substance - The Importance of Service

Honor 9/11 by attending Soup with Substance, a roundtable gathering to learn about service opportunities in our local community. We will also discuss how service connects to our mission.

Sponsored by The Arrupe Center


Time: 12pm - 12:50pm

Location: AMU 137


Center for Peacemaking Open House

All students are welcome to come and see what the Center for Peacemaking has to offer for them, such as the Peace Studies Major and Minor, the Promoting Assets Reducing Crime (PARC) initiative, PeaceWorks, Scaling Wellness in Milwaukee (SWIM), and more.

Sponsored by the Center for Peacemaking


Time: 4pm - 6pm

Location: 1616 W Wells Street


Accounting Internship - Reverse Pitch (Virtual)

Attend this reverse pitch event to learn about employers hiring accounting students. A reverse pitch event is like a reverse career fair. During the program, employers will introduce their organizations to you. Then, at the Meet the Firms Social on September 25th, you may introduce yourself to representatives of hiring organizations in-person. Dress is business casual (virtual).


Time: 5pm - 7pm

Location: Virtual (Register on Handshake)


Midnight Run Sign-ups

Sign-up to be a part of Midnight Run to serve at a weekly meal site. Get to know other Midnight Run student leaders and choose your site. 

Sponsored by Campus Ministry


Time: Evening

Location: AMU 2nd Floor Lobby


Milwaukee Night Market College Night

Meet by the MU letters on the east side of the AMU to walk together to the Milwaukee Night Market!  T-shirts will be available to the earliest arrivals!

Sponsored by Campus Activities and Student Organizations


Time: 4:45pm - 10pm

Location: MU Letters; east side of AMU


Ignite Marquette

Come to Ignite on Wednesday evenings from 7-8 p.m. Ignite is a vibrant experience of college community, Catholic faith and prayer welcoming all at Marquette. Ignite offers a Bistro night - a free, delicious dinner for students with an engaging speaker, time to connect with others, and time for prayer.

Sponsored by Campus Ministry


Time: 7pm - 8pm

Location: Lunda Room, AMU 2nd Floor




Service Organization Meet-Up

Join us for a social in the Arrupe Center! Come learn more about some of the service orgs on campus as you play Giant Jenga & Jumbo UNO. 

Sponsored by Student Organizations


Time: Varies

Location: AMU 137


Study Abroad Info Session-ZHAW - Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Calling all business majors! Register for the online study abroad info session at ZHAW - Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Zurich, Switzerland from Suzana Ilic, ZHAW university representative, and Ryan Bender, Marquette study abroad alum!

Sponsored by the Office of International Education


Time: 11am-12pm

Location: Virtual, via Teams (register online)


Holy Hour and Social

Join others at the Chapel of the Holy Family for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Eucharistic Adoration, silence, music, scripture, confessions and concluding with Solemn Benediction followed by a social with food.

Sponsored by Campus Ministry


Time: 7:30pm - 9pm

Location: Chapel of the Holy Family


Annex Bingo

The Annex hosts a free bingo event for Marquette students on alternate Thursday nights throughout the semester at 9 p.m.  Hundreds of dollars in prizes are given away each night, and it’s a great time to relax and socialize.  As many as 200 students show up for this regular event, so get here early to get a good seat!


Time: 9pm - 11pm

Location: Union Sports Annex (16th and Wells)




Orgullo Hispano March

Come help us kick off Hispanic Heritage Month by participating in the Orgullo Hispano March! We'll meet in front of St. Joan of Arc chapel. Music, snacks, and flags from Spanish-speaking countries will be available as we walk part of the Marquette Mile and show our Latinx pride!

Sponsored by the Office of Inclusion & Belonging, LASO, & the Hispanic/Latinx Employee Resource Group


Time: 12pm-12:45pm

Location: St. Joan of Arc Chapel



Study Abroad 101

This presentation is designed to be an introduction to the study abroad process. Topics include how to research study abroad programs, finances and scholarships, academic planning and course approval, application procedures and setting specific goals for your academic experience abroad. No registration is necessary.

Sponsored by the Office of International Education


Time: 3pm - 4pm

Location: Holthusen Hall, 4th Floor


Movie Friday: Inside Out

Bring your friends, and watch Inside Out in the Varsity Theatre!

Sponsored by Campus Activities and Student Organizations


Time: 8pm - 10pm

Location: Varsity Theater




Iggy's Adventure Games

Join Iggy, Campus Recreation and Residence Life for some fun camp-style games and activities. Pete’s Pops and snacks available!

Sponsored by Campus Recreation, the Office of Residence Life and Sorority and Fraternity Life


Time: 1pm - 3pm

Location: Eckstein Common


Mass on the Grass

Gather for a beautiful outdoor Mass with other members of the Marquette community. Afterwards, enjoy some great eats with food trucks.  

Sponsored by Campus Ministry


Time: 5pm - 6:30pm

Location: Central Mall


Fiesta de Noche

Join the Betas for a night of music, food, and fun! This is a Marquette tradition!

Sponsored by Campus Activities and Sigma Lambda Beta


Time: 6pm - 8pm

Location: Eckstein Common