Apartment Selection Process

Welcome to the Apartments Selection Process for 2025-2026!

University Apartments Selection for the 2025-2026 leasing period is occurring this fall!

This process is for:

The University Apartments offer many benefits to students:

6 Locations - Campus Town East and West, The Marq, Frenn, Gilman, and McCabe
Flexible Leasing - semester-length leases available in select buildings
Easy Rent Payment - billed by the semester through MU Central
Safety/Security - Desk Receptionists and MUPD monitoring
24-Hour Maintenance - through MU Facilities Management and COCM
On-Site Managers - who coordinate desk operations, tours, and facilities issues
Amenities - Cable, Internet, PrintWise, Laundry, Furnishings (varies by building)
Leadership Opportunities - student managers, community assistants, receptionists


Download the Leasing Guide for 2025-2026

This digital checklist provides guidance on the entirety of the leasing process.




Timeline for Current Apartment Residents:

Housing Deposit /

Leasing Quiz

October 14 – 25

(Quiz: early deadline Oct 23)

Every individual student interested in an apartment must:


Re-book Same Apartment

October 21 – October 28

Residents may select the same apartment in which they currently live (new roommates can be added at this time).

Book Different Apartment

October 30, 8:30 am

Current junior, senior, or graduate apartment residents may select a different apartment in any University-owned building (new roommates can be added at this time).

October 31

Priority selection ends for current apartment residents.


Timeline for New / Prospective Applicants:

Housing Deposit /

Leasing Quiz

October 14 – 25

(Quiz: early deadline Oct 23)

Every individual student interested in an apartment must:


View Selection Time

November 1 – 4

Prospective tenants will be randomly assigned an apartment selection time, available through the online system.

General Apartment Selection

November 4, 4-10pm


Full Apartment Bookings:

Apartment Selection using the online system will take place between 4pm and 9pm, according to your assigned selection time.  During this time, you must fully fill each apartment (at least 1 person per bedroom).

Single space / random roommate bookings (The Marq)

Any applicant may book a single bedroom in a larger apartment at The Marq (pending availability) from 9-10pm.  Prior to this time, all bookings must fill the entire apartment (one person per bedroom).


Random roommate bookings at The Marq:

Random roommate bookings are only available at The Marq.  When booking an apartment in any other building, you must fully fill the apartment (i.e. there must be at least one person per bedroom).  (Please review Apartment Capacities and Lease Types for more information).

Apartment selection priority is given to roommate groups who can fully fill an apartment.  Towards the end of the process, we will open up the system for individual/random roommate bookings.  At this time, students can make bookings without fully filling an apartment (e.g. one person in a 2-bedroom, three roommates in a 4-bedroom, etc.).  Partial bookings as such are only available at The Marq.

Anyone interested in this process should still adhere to the timelines above for their particular category, and then can make a booking - pending availability - towards the end of the General Selection Process:

Random Roommate / Individual Booking Apartment Selection

November 4, 9-10pm

Any applicant may book a single bedroom in a larger apartment at The Marq (pending availability) from 9-10pm.  Prior to this time, all bookings must fill the entire apartment (one person per bedroom).




Application / Deposit Collection

To apply, each and every student - including any current resident - who is interested in living in the University Apartments for the 2024-2025 leasing period must submit a deposit by October 25th, or pass the Leasing Quiz by October 23rd to receive a waiver.  (Quiz: early deadline October 23)

Payment Methods:

Credit / Debit Card



Pay online through the Campus Living Portal on Checkmarq.

  • In Checkmarq, select the Housing/Meals section. This will open the Campus Living portal.  Under the Apartment Selection heading, click on “Pay Deposit” and follow the subsequent steps.  (Fees may apply).



Money Order

University Apartments Office (1032 W Wisconsin Ave).

  • Hours: Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm
  • Made payable to: Marquette University
  • Must include MUID on check/money order
  • Money orders available from AMU Union Station or Town Bank

Waiver / Leasing Quiz


Early deadline:

Oct 23

Complete and pass a Leasing Quiz for a deposit waiver



Apartment Selection / Booking

The online process for apartment selection will take place according to the timelines above.  During this time, students and roommates may select their specific apartment units for the future leasing period.

To select an apartment at any stage of the process, students must visit the Campus Living portal in Checkmarq.  The Campus Living portal has a specific section for Apartment Selection.  The process is very similar to the sophomore residence hall selection process.


Apartment Selection Policies / Information

Please remember that all of the following apply for the Apartment Selection Process:

Deposit Required

Everyone who plans to live in the University Apartments (Campus Town, The Marq, Gilman, Frenn, McCabe) during the 2025-2026 academic year must submit a housing deposit/wavier by October 23 / 25, 2024.

Flexible Leases (limited)

Flexible leasing is available, but varies by building.

Deposit FAQs

Deposits are non-refundable.


You must be 21+ years old or 2+ years out of high school (at the time the lease would start) to be eligible for the University Apartments.  You must also be enrolled as a Marquette student to enter into a lease.  Co-ed living is not permitted in on-campus housing.

Apartment Capacity

Campus Town, Frenn, McCabe – at least 1 person per bedroom required when booking an apartment.

The Marq – Individual bookings in larger apartments are possible at the conclusion of the process

Swapping Rooms / Roommates

Swapping rooms/roommates is not allowed.  The individual making a booking for an apartment must remain in that space, or the apartment will be distributed to a waiting list applicant.

Fall Required

Your lease for the 2025-2026 academic year must include, at the minimum, the fall semester.  If you are interested in summer-only or spring-only leasing, please contact our office.


We cannot guarantee the availability of any apartment or unit type.  However, not all buildings were fully booked during the 2024-2025 (last year's) leasing process.

Lease Length

All roommates must agree on lease length in advance of signing the lease.  All roommates should sign the same length lease for joint leases during the academic year.

Landlord Rights

The Office of Residence Life retains the right to change or update policies, bookings, or procedures at any time during the leasing process or leasing term.



Information on the University Apartments Selection Process for 2025-2026 will be sent to all eligible students throughout October.  If you are not receiving these emails and would like to added to the mailing list, or if you have any questions on the process, please contact our office.