The Project Planning and Development team in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) can assist you with the various components of developing your proposal. If you haven't already contacted Project Planning and Development (PPD) to discuss your project idea please do so now. Items to consider for this discussion include:

Ideally, this conversation would happen 6-8 weeks prior to the grant deadline. Through this conversation, a member of the Grants Administration (GA) team will be assigned to your project to assist with budget development and other financial considerations. A preliminary proposal development timeline is as follows:

All external grant applications submitted by Marquette University Faculty and Staff must be routed and approved in Kuali prior to submission.  Please refer to the step-by-step Starting a Proposal in Kuali guide for instructions on how to begin this process.


If you are a student, please see the Marquette Students Applications and Awards guidance webpage.

It's a major undertaking - preparing and submitting a federal grant application to support your research training needs or pursue your scientific research. In this highly competitive endeavor, the successful grantee will allow for ample time to plan, organize and write a grant application that competes well in the peer review process and ultimately earns funding. 

As mentioned in the earlier Project Idea step of the Project Lifecycle, you should work closely with ORSP's Project Planning and Development team to provide additional guidance in developing your proposal, including applications to two prime federal funding entities, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). 


National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Simply put, the NIH supports research and discovery that improve human health and save lives. Click here for additional information on submitting a grant to NIH


National Science Foundation (NSF)

The NSF supports investigation of fundamental research questions with broadly applicable results. Click here for additional information on submitting a grant to NSF



Often, Principal Investigators and Key Personnel need to have accounts registered with the organizations they are applying to, such as the National Science Foundation. Below are the common entities requiring account registration for applicants.

Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) - National Science Foundation (NSF)

eBRAP - Department of Defense (DOD)

eRA Commons - National Institutes of Health (NIH)


Writing and Editorial Tips

Reviewers are often faculty just like you who are very busy. A reviewer may have to read 10-15 applications in great detail and form an opinion about each of them. Researchers who are able to express their scientific arguments persuasively and concisely win grants and get published more often. According to Dr. Francis Collins, former Director of the NIH, “So many worthwhile research ideas get put into the unfunded category in reviews because the proposals are not written clearly and don’t present the importance of the research forcefully enough.”

Discover writing and editorial tips and a grant writing checklist here


Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR)

The following statement should be included in applicable grant applications:

In accordance with the America COMPETES Act, Marquette University has a plan to provide appropriate training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers participating in the proposed research project. The plan is available for review upon request. 

Learn more about RECR


Data Management Plan (DMP)

Research data management is a concept used to describe the managing, sharing, and archiving of research data to make it more accessible to the broader research community. Research data management provides an opportunity for a researcher to create a plan that will ensure that their data will be organized so that it can be shared with other researchers and archived for long term preservation.

If your research uses data that is created, collated, or acquired in any way and forms a part of your research, data management should be something you consider when organizing your research. Not doing so initially will make your research and maintaining your research more difficult over time, and it may be required by certain grants. The DMPTool helps researchers create data management plans (DMPs).

Visit our other webpages to learn more about the DMPs and the DMPTool.


Standard Description of Marquette University

Most proposals call for a brief description of the applicant institution to show how the institution's mission relates to the area of need being addressed and to establish the institution's overall strength as a platform for the research, training, or outreach project being proposed.

The paragraphs below are suggestions only. You will want to adapt a version to suit your particular situation such as adding a brief description of your department or academic unit. Depending on the sponsor and the nature of your project, your institutional description might also include the number of doctorally prepared faculty in your department, enrollment or placement data, a summary of significant accomplishments of the faculty, or special distinctions earned by the unit.

Short Version

Long Version


Budget Development

Based on the guidelines provided by the sponsor, the budget should represent the entire cost of a project and accurately reflect costs that are necessary and justifiable. Reviewers should be able to determine whether sufficient funds are being requested to complete the project successfully and that those requests are reasonable given the scope of work.

The budget submitted to the sponsor usually consists of two interrelated documents: a budget and a budget justification (also known as budget narrative). The budget justification or budget narrative explains how the budget figures were estimated and relates the anticipated expenditures to the project's tasks and deliverables.

Budget Check List


Direct Costs

Indirect Costs / Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A)

Cost Sharing / Matching / In-Kind




Fringe Benefits

Materials and Supplies

Other Direct Costs

Salaries and Wages






If your project involves community engaged research, please visit ORSP's Community Engaged Sponsored Programs webpage.

Outgoing Letter of Intent (LOI)

Sample LOI - Marquette to another institution

Incoming Letter of Intent (LOI)

Sample LOI - another institution to Marquette


Contact Project Planning and Development for further assistance in developing your proposal.