Summer Faculty Fellowship and Regular Research Grants
Through the Summer Faculty Fellowship (SFF) and Regular Research Grant (RRG) programs, the Committee on Research (COR) helps Marquette faculty make substantial and rapid advances in specific scholarly projects and stimulates extramural grant applications to support these projects. Note that in the past, the funding rate of SSF and RRG proposals has been approximately 50%.
The Summer Faculty Fellowship (SFF) provides a summer stipend of $5,500. Fellows devote six summer weeks of effort to a specific scholarly project.
The Regular Research Grant (RRG) provides up to $6,000 to advance a specific research project. The average award is $3,000-4,500. The size of RRG awards varies, depending upon the availability of funds, the number of high-quality proposals received, and the size of requests. Eligible expenses include, for example, equipment, supplies or services, student assistants, or travel as required to conduct the research. RRG funds cannot be used for faculty salaries, conference travel, general purpose computer equipment, or general purpose software. Special hardware or software, if strongly linked to the proposed project, will be considered but must be explained as such.
This year we have made modifications to the timeline for the awards and the external award submission requirement for awardees – please carefully read the application kit.
2025 SFF-RRG Application Kit
Application due date Thursday, September 26, 2024.
CfAH Grant Workshop from Andrew James Kim on Vimeo.
SFF/RRG Grant Workshop Recording
SFF and RRG applicants must hold permanent tenure-track appointments, be returning to Marquette for the next academic year, and have terminal degrees.
You cannot have SFF or RRG support two years in a row: If you received either a SFF or a RRG last year, you are not eligible to receive an award this year.
An important aim of the SFF/RRG programs is to stimulate extramural grant applications. To ensure your continued eligibility for SFF/RRG support, you must submit at least one related extramural application during the 24 months following your SFF/RRG application, if awarded. The extramural proposal(s) must be appropriately registered with ORSP. If you fail to submit a related extramural application within this 24 month period, you forfeit your eligibility for new SFF/RRG funding for four years.
For more information, contact Melody Baker, assistant to the vice president, at (414) 288-1532.
Sample applications
(Note: These sample applications were submitted in accordance with guidelines in prior years. Use them as general examples, but make sure your proposal adheres to the current guidelines.)