An application for a commuter carrel can be filled out using this form.
Assignments will be made in this priority order:
Commuter students are those students who live outside the university area and must drive or use public transportation to attend class. Marquette University and the Alumni Memorial Union provide many services and amenities for commuter students.
To allow for more effective use of the carrels, they will be assigned for one semester at a time.
Carrels are available for the following three periods: fall semester, spring semester, and the summer session.
Library materials kept in carrels must be checked out. Library staff regularly monitor carrels and the possession of library materials not checked out may result in confiscation of materials and loss of privileges.
Furniture and Maintenance
Carrels are furnished with a chair, desk, shelves, and wastebasket.
Library furniture from other areas of the building may not be moved into the carrels.
Heaters, heating elements, coffee pots, microwaves, and other electrical appliances are not allowed in carrels.
Carrels may not be used for purposes other than active research, such as storage of materials.
Carrels should be locked at all times when not in use. Marquette University Libraries assume no responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, personal possessions kept in carrels.
For security reasons, occupants of carrels must not obscure the windows in their carrel with paper or other materials.
Questions about the Research Carrel policy should be sent to the Library Services Desk at or (414) 288-7555.