Both the Libraries and the University have policies on acceptable computer use; the link above goes to the Library's policy statement. See the University's policy statement on acceptable computer use .
The building use policies have information related to using the building including food, what happens if you forget your ID, lockers, quiet study areas, and technical assistance.
The Access Services department in Raynor Library handles book check-outs and returns, recalls for library material checked-out to another user, and all notices and bills for overdue material. The department is located at the Library Services Desk straight in front of the turnstiles.
Learn more about borrowing policies →
Raynor Library has 15 group study rooms available. Some are reservable and others are on a first-come, first-served basis.
Learn more about the group study rooms →
The reference services provided by Raynor Library supports the education mission of the University by teaching students/patrons to find, evaluate, and use information.
Read more about the guidelines →
Details on what services will remain available in the event of a snow emergency.
Raynor Library is a part of Marquette University, a private university. We offer limited access to the general public.