Data Management

Many funding agencies, especially federal agencies, require Principal Investigators (PIs) to share their project's research data and to provide a data management plan (DMP) at the time of application or prior to award. The National Science Foundation (NSF) began requiring DMPs in all NSF grant proposals in 2011 and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will be rolling out additional DMP requirements in the near future.

Raynor Library have put together a set of resources to help you understand, plan for, and implement data management plans for your research.  Additionally, Marquette University has registered as a participating institution with DMPTool.  This tool enables users to log in with their MU credentials, receive MU-specific information and guidance as it becomes available, and save the DMPs they create. 

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Writing the Plan

Documenting Data

Management Tools

Storing/Securing Data

Sharing Data

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