A valid MU ID must be presented to check out any library material. Each borrower is responsible for all material borrowed on his/her ID. Report lost or stolen IDs immediately to the Marquette Card Office in Room 158 of the Alumni Memorial Union.
Borrowing privileges
Loan Period
Hold and Recalls
Authorized Assistants
Overdue Procedures
Loan Period
Books checked out to Faculty or Staff members are due at the end of the 2nd summer session. An email due date notification is sent at the time of check out. There is no limit on the number of items that may be checked out. All checked out material is subject to recall by another user.
Special collections may have shorter loan periods:
AVM collection (DVD/Video) - 5 day loan-no renewal
Browsing collection - 3 week loan-no renewal
Ciszek collection - 3 week loan -no renewal
Manresa collection- 3 week loan -no renewal
Children’s collection - 3 week loan
Reference collection - 1 week loan unless noted as Library Use Only.
Periodicals do not circulate to students.
Holds and Recalls
A combined maximum of ten active holds and/or recalls at one time are allowed per user.
All circulating items are subject to recall by other users; the first user is guaranteed 10 days usage. (Material needed for Class Reserve must be returned immediately.) When a recall is issued the original due date is canceled and a new due date is established.
The patron with the material is sent a recall notice requesting return of the material within seven days. If the item is not returned within that time, an Overdue Recall notice is sent and borrowing privileges are suspended until the item is returned.
Users with recalled items that are more than one week overdue will be billed for the replacement cost of the item plus a non-refundable $25.00 billing fee.
Ignoring a recall notice is a serious breach of library etiquette. The recall policy is designed to insure equal access to the collection for all patrons.
If the item is checked out, the status box will display the DUE DATE and there will be a blue check mark button along the top of the screen labeled REQUEST. Click on that button.
Enter your Marqnet/e-mail username and password in the corresponding boxes.
Click on, “Submit.”
The book title and related information will be displayed, and if the information is correct, click the REQUEST SELECTED ITEM button.
You will be notified via Marquette e-mail when the material is ready for pickup. The material will be held at the Library Services Desk for seven days.
Some material cannot be recalled. Titles that are AVAILABLE should be on the shelf - if you cannot find it, complete a Trace Request at the Library Services Desk. Material in certain collections may not be eligible for recall. Not all library card holders are eligible to place recalls. Courtesy Card and Infopass holders are not eligible. Also any Marquette user with a block on their record will have to clear the block before being eligible to place recalls.
Authorized Assistants
Faculty members may authorize their graduate assistants to check-out material for them. AnAuthorized Assistant Formmust be signed and returned before such check-outs are permitted. The Faculty member remains responsible for all material checked out via this method. Authorized assistants are not allowed to check out any material for their personal use via this method.
Books may be renewed for an additional loan period starting 28 days before the due date. Books may be brought to the Library Services Desk for renewal or renewed online. There is no limit on the number of times an item can be renewed; however, all material is subject to recall by other users.
If prompted, enter your MU email and password when logging in.
You may renew INDIVIDUAL titles by selecting the “Renew” button in front of each book. After selecting the individual titles you would like to renew, click on the "Renew selected items" button.
You may renew ALL checked-out items by selecting the “Renew All” button.
Overdue Procedures
Faculty and Staff members receive an e-mail via Marquette University e-mail outlining the renewal process each year in mid-July.
An overdue notice is sent 13 days after the due date.
A 2nd notice is sent 44 days after the due date detailing the charges that will be incurred if the material is not returned or renewed within two weeks. AFTER THIS NOTICE, BOOKS MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE LIBRARY FOR RENEWAL.
Material not returned or renewed by late September is considered lost. A bill for the replacement cost of the material plus a $15.00 billing fee is issued. The replacement cost of the book will be credited if the material is returned within four months of the due date. Borrowing privileges are suspended at this point until the material is returned or renewed.
Bills and credits for lost library material are processed at the Library Services Desk. Call (414) 288-3604 with any questions about bills and overdues.
All overdue notices are sent as a courtesy via Marquette University e-mail and non-receipt of a notice does not exempt the borrower from overdue penalties.