Borrowing Privileges: Courtesy Card

Courtesy Card ID


A valid Marquette Courtesy Card must be presented to check out library material. Each borrower is responsible for all material borrowed on his/her Courtesy Card. Privileges are NOT transferrable and the Courtesy Card holder must be present for books to be checked out. Report a lost or stolen courtesy card immediately to the Library Services Desk. You must maintain a current address and phone number with the Raynor library.

Borrowing Privileges


Courtesy Cards permit the borrowing of library materials by users who are not members of the Marquette community.

The Marquette University Libraries' extends Courtesy Cards to the following eligible borrowers with valid ID from their organization: 

  • Alumni of Marquette University
  • American Concrete Institute Members
  • Ancient Order of Hibernians Members
  • Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) - students and faculty
  • Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design (MIAD) Faculty
  • Milwaukee Theological Institute – students and faculty
  • Nashotah House - students and faculty
  • Sacred Heart School of Theology - students and faculty
  • St. Francis seminary- students and faculty
  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) Faculty
  • Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology - students and faculty

If you are a member of one of the organizations listed above and would like to apply for a courtesy card, please contact the Library Services Desk at (414) 288-7555 before your first visit to obtain further details. 

Once your application is approved, you will be issued a voucher to obtain your courtsey card from the Marquette Card Office located at the Union Station on the firt level of the Alumni Memorial Union. There is a one-time fee of $5.00 to cover the cost of the courtesy card. 

Members of the general public should consult Visitor Information, and contact the Library Services Desk to discuss their research needs with a librarian at (414) 288-7556 before visiting Marquette University. 

For more information on Courtesy Cards


Books are loaned for four weeks (28 days). An email due date notification is sent at the time of check out. Only 10 items may be checked out on a Courtesy Card. Items may be recalled from Courtesy Card holders, but not for them. Courtesy Card holders must comply with the Library recall policy. Failure to comply may result in the loss of borrowing privileges.

Special collections may have shorter loan periods:

  • AVM collection (DVD/Video) - 5 day loan-no renewal

  • Browsing collection - 3 week loan-no renewal

  • Ciszek collection - 3 week loan -no renewal

  • Manresa collection- 3 week loan -no renewal

  • Children’s collection - 3 week loan

  • Reference collection - 1 week loan unless noted as Library Use Only


Periodicals do not circulate to Courtesy Card holders.


  1. An overdue notice is sent as a courtesy on the first day after the due date. Borrowing privileges are suspended at this point until the material is returned or renewed.
  2. A 2nd notice is sent 10 days after the due date detailing the charges that will be incurred if the material is not returned or renewed within ten days.
  3. Material not returned or renewed within 3 weeks of the due date is considered lost. A bill for the replacement cost of the material plus a $15.00 billing fee is issued. The replacement cost of the book will be credited if the material is returned within four months of the due date. Bills and credits for lost library material are processed at the Library Services Desk.
  4. All overdue notices are sent as a courtesy and non-receipt of notices does not exempt the borrower from overdue penalties.


Books may be renewed for an additional four weeks starting seven days before the due date. One renewal is permitted. Alumni Card renewals can be made in-person at the Library Services Desk or by phone at (414) 288-7555.

WAICU (Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities)

Faculty and staff with a current photo ID from member colleges or universities of WAICU have onsite access to Raynor Library's print and electronic resources. For additional information, call (414) 288-7555

List of WAICU members

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