Marquette Men's Basketball Watch Parties
Join the Alumni Club of DC at The Admiral in Dupont for all games of the season, Big East Tournament and NCAA tournament.
Find more information about upcoming games here.
Aspin Center for Government Information Session
MONDAY, MARCH 25 | 6 pm - 7:30 pm
Union Sports Annex
804 N. 16th St., Milwaukee, WI
Interested in an internship in Milwaukee or Washington D.C.? Marquette's Les Aspin Center for Government is holding an informational session to learn more about the Aspin Washington Internship Program and Kleczka Milwaukee Internship Program! No advanced registration required.
Advancing Equity in Healthcare Panel
K & L Gates
1601 K St NW, 1st floor, Washington, DC
Join us for a panel discussion focusing on whether various populations have equitable access to healthcare and the challenges of ensuring that they receive such care. The panel will be co-hosted by Marquette University's Les Aspin Center for Government and Claremont McKenna College and will feature expert alumni from both schools.
Learn more and register here.
Kleczka Milwaukee Internship Program Celebration
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2024 | 6 pm – 8 pm
Alumni Memorial Union, Room 227, Second Floor
1442 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI
For over 20 years, the Kleczka Milwaukee Internship has placed students in local legislative offices and public affairs organizations coupled with classroom instruction and financial assistance. We are honored to hear from Bonnie Kleczka about her late husband’s generoisty and legacy. Current and past Kleczka interns will have the opportunity to network with local offices and each other to enrichen the Kleczka Internship experience for both alumni and future students.
Learn more and register here.
Honoring Diane Foley, author of American Mother
TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2024 | 7 pm
Les Aspin Center for Government
502 East Capitol St. NE, Washington, DC
Diane's new book about her son, Jim Foley, a 1996 graduate of Marquette who was murdered in Syria while working as a freelance journalist 10 years ago. Dr. Sarah Feldner, dean of Marquette’s Diedrich College of Communications will moderate a brief discussion with Diane Foley about her book, the work of the Foley Foundation, and its relationship to Marquette’s initiatives.
Advance signed copies of the book may be purchased using this link to the Foley Foundation’s website.
More information regarding registration to come.
We especially want to thank the Les Aspin Center Board of Visitors for their support, generosity, and guidance.
James Aspin
Management Vectors
Michael Bartley
William Broydrick
Broydrick & Associates
Todd Ciresi
Timothy F. Cullen
Rudy de Leon
Center for American Progress
Andrew Foster
Aemetis Advanced Fuels
Sharon Haverstock
Haverstock & Associates, LLC.
Kathryn Hein
Mary E. Henke
Gordon Henke Family Foundation
Robert Henzl
Hostak, Henzl & Bichler
Hon. Herb Kohl
U.S. Senate (retired)
Jacqueline Lewis
Hon. David Obey
U.S. House of Representatives (retired)
Steven M. Radke
Northwestern Mutual
Bruce Renquist
Hon. Paul Ryan
Former Speaker of U.S. House of Representatives
John Seder
Milwaukee Valve
Mary Beth Stanton
Amy Ford Souders
Cornerstone Government Affairs Group
Hon. Tommy Thompson
Former Secretary of U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services; Former Wisconsin Governor
Mark Wagner
Johnson Controls, Inc.
John K. Wilson
Foley & Lardner LLP
Tim Yehl
Tim Yehl Consulting
In celebration of 35 successful years of Marquette in DC, we want to highligh 35 of our amazing alumni. We’d appreciate you taking the 5-10 minutes to share about how your time at the Aspin Center has impacted your life—whether you participated 2, 5, 10 or 25+ years ago!
Take the survey here