Open or save a file to a SharePoint location from the Office desktop application (Word, Excel or PowerPoint)

  1. Click or tap File.
  2. Click or tap Save As or Open.
  3. Click or tap Sites- Marquette University to access your SharePoint documents.
  4. You will see Frequent sites (right) and sites you are Following (if you scroll down.)

    Sites-Marquette University shows under Save As.

If a list of your SharePoint sites does not show right, click the Up arrow repeatedly until you see the list of frequent sites and sites you are following.

Blue arrow shows left of the folder icon.

Share a file from Outlook and Outlook on the Web, as a link or as an attachment

Share a file from the Office desktop application (Word, Excel or PowerPoint)

Please contact the IT Services TechSquad with questions.


Microsoft Teams

VPN Setup

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CheckMarq Student Info System

D2L E-Learning

Email & Calendar

Microsoft Office

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SharePoint Collaboration


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