Exploring the Curriculum: Individuals and Communities

December 16, 2019 to July 26, 2020

The Marquette Core Curriculum is the center of every Marquette University student’s educational experience. The newly redesigned MCC aims to better connect students to their studies—and to the world—through a thematic, tiered approach. This exhibition is the first in a series that will explore the five MCC Discovery Tier themes.

The tension between the individual and the community is a common theme in art. Artists explore the search for belonging in a culture that often produces isolation: a conflict between the needs of many and the interests of a few and a contradiction between personal liberty and communal responsibility.

In bringing the MCC to life, we asked faculty members who teach in the Individuals and Communities theme to select works from the Haggerty’s collection. Those faculty members then briefly described how those works explore the relationships between individuals and the communities to which they willingly or unwillingly belong.

Special thanks to the contributing faculty members and exhibition co-organizers:

A Virtual Tour


Exhibition objects with accompanying labels written by Marquette University faculty members.

Support for this exhibition is generously provided by: