Academic Censure Process

Notable academic performance specifications that may result in academic censure

Graduate students are subject to the academic performance specifications detailed in the Graduate Bulletin (For a full list, consult the Graduate Bulletin).

Academic Censure Procedures

Students subject to academic censure (RWAR, RWDP or SAP) by email sent to their Marquette email address following the Grading Deadline.

Students may appeal academic censure using the Academic Censure/Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal: Graduate School Form  following the procedures specified in the Bulletin and in accordance with the instructions provided in the dismissal letter.

Operative dates related to academic censure (including the Grading Deadline) are available on the Graduate School Academic Calendar.

See below for step by step guidance through your appeal. 


Guidance Through Your Appeal

Submitting an appeal does not guarantee reinstatement or return to financial aid eligibility. Presenting a compelling appeal is important. Please have your Academic Censure notification available for reference as you review the process. 

Complete the Appeal form. 

The appeal form  is headed with specific instructions for its submission.  After completing the form, print it and sign it to include in your appeal package.

Important! The Graduate School must receive the entire appeal package by email (from your Marquette email address), fax, mail or in person before the NOON deadline specified in your dismissal letter.  

Late appeals will not be accepted.

Submitting the Appeal

The Graduate School must receive the entire appeal package through one of the options listed below:

Completing the Form

Refer to each step in the form process for any questions. regarding your appeal. 

Contact the Graduate School at (414) 288-7137, if you have questions.

Overview and Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4 and 5