Contact Us
Engineering Hall
1637 W. Wisconsin Avenue
Office Room 254
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Phone: (414) 288-5140
Digital signs are used to communicate announcements and are located throughout our College of Engineering buildings. COE faculty, staff and students may submit PowerPoint or JPEG graphics in portrait/vertical format as displayed to the right.
Our digital signs are located in the Engineering Hall lobby, Haggerty Hall Pit lounge and Olin 2nd floor. Please note these signs always display the same content simultaneously.
Two Powerpoint templates are available to get you started with your designing your graphical message. The first is a blank slide template in the correct size and portrait orientation. The second is a Marquette-branded template for official Opus College of Engineering sponsored messaging and events. When finished, make sure to save as a JPEG photo.
Send your announcements to Kim Poehlman at