Personal Skills for a Diverse Campus Course FAQs

Beginning in fall 2021, Marquette employees will be participating in an online program titled Faculty and Staff: Personal Skills for a Diverse Campus, offered through Vector Solutions. This page provides answers to frequently asked questions about the program.

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Why is Marquette requiring employees to participate in this online program?

What does the program consist of?

What is the timeline for the rollout of this program?

How much time should I plan to devote to this program?

What kinds of assessments are included in the program?

What information will be provided to my dean/VP?

How was this program selected?

How should campus units approach this learning opportunity? 

I am enrolled in the program and am having technical difficulties. What do I do?

Are there accommodations for employees with disabilities? 

What other opportunities are there to learn about diversity and inclusion at Marquette?

I have already engaged in another university-sponsored learning opportunity around topics related to diversity and inclusion. Am I required to take this course?

Whom do I contact for more information?