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In 2002, Marquette established the Arnold L. Mitchem Dissertation Fellowship Program, intended to increase the presence of underrepresented ethnic groups by supporting doctoral candidates in completing their final academic requirement, the dissertation.
The fellowship provides a student from other U.S. universities with one year of financial support, including a stipend, fringe benefits, and research and travel funds. The fellow will be in residence at Marquette for an academic year, during which the recipient will teach one course in his or her area of specialization while completing his or her dissertation. The recipient will also participate in a formal mentoring program.
The fellowship is named in honor of Dr. Arnold L. Mitchem, who earned his doctorate from Marquette in 1981 and is an internationally recognized champion of educational opportunity. Mitchem founded Marquette's Educational Opportunity Program and served as its director from 1969–86. Previously, he was president of the Council for Educational Opportunity in Washington, D.C.
Past recipients of the Mitchem Dissertation Fellowship
In alignment with our mission as a Catholic, Jesuit university, the Mitchem Fellowship Program is especially interested in supporting research focused on African American, Latinx, First Nations/Native American Studies, or Race and Ethnic.
The application cycle for 2025–26 is open. View the job description and apply. The application deadline is Tuesday, April 15, 2025.
Application materials for 2025–26 will include:
For more information, please email mitchem.fellowship@marquette.edu.