Unpaid Internship Funding Program

How Do I Get Paid for an Unpaid Internship?

Paid internships are important, but sometimes we find great opportunities that are unpaid. Marquette University is excited to offer funding for unpaid internships through the Marquette University Unpaid Internship Funding Program. The maximum award amount is $2,000 per student.

Applicants will be considered for funding based on need, how closely the experience aligns with current career goals, and the quality of the internship experience; consideration will also be given to the applicant's experiences as an individual, including challenges borne by first-generation college students and low-income college students.

Applicants must have an unpaid internship offer at the time of application but must not have started the experience. Decisions will be communicated within one month of application submission. Funds are paid out via Marquette University student employment paychecks over the course of the internship. See full eligibility guidelines below. 

The application opens Monday, March 17, 2025, and applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the fund is fully allocated. Please read the instructions below and apply HERE.

Unpaid Internship Funding Program Guidelines


Application Process


Frequently Asked Questions

What is an internship? 

How do I find an internship? 

Can I apply for funding if I previously received an award?

Are international students eligible for funding?

Can I intern with a family member?

How can I make sure my application for this fund is strong?

How is the stipend paid out?

If selected, will this funding affect my taxes?

Are there any post-completion requirements?


Questions? Contact the Career Center via email at career.center@marquette.edu.