Employer Handshake Approval Policy

The Marquette University Career Center provides Handshake, an online career platform, as an exclusive service to Marquette University students and alumni, as well as employers seeking to hire Marquette students and alumni for job or internship positions.

Employers who have been granted access to Handshake at Marquette University have the ability to:

The following guidelines have been developed to further a mutually beneficial relationship for employers and for Marquette University students and alumni.



Marquette University adheres to the National Association of Colleges and Employers' (NACE) Principles for Professional Practice as well as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidelines.  By creating an account on Handshake, the employer agrees to abide by NACE and EEOC standards as well as the guidelines set forth by Marquette University.  Failure to abide by these standards and guidelines may result in discontinuation of access to Handshake. 

The Marquette University Career Center adheres to these guidelines in order to ensure the quality of our services and reserves the right to modify these guidelines at any time.  All decisions regarding services provided via Handshake are made at the sole discretion of the University, and the Marquette University Career Center reserves the right to remove any accounts and/or postings from Handshake at any time.

Employers must be in good standing with Marquette University.  Complaints received by the Marquette University Career Center at any time regarding unethical work practices or treatment of students and/or alumni by an employer will result in discontinuation of access.

Employers that dump jobs in the system with no consideration for Marquette University Career Center's Postings Guidelines may be deactivated.

To be eligible for approval, employer accounts must be filled out completely including:

Employer accounts not eligible for approval include:

Employer accounts eligible on a case by case basis: