Marquette Career Network: Students

 Marquette Career Network Logo

Marquette Career Network will help facilitate career-related conversations between you and the Marquette Network. This platform will give you an opportunity to seek knowledge and advice, explore career fields in which you are interested, and build your professional network with alumni around the world. At the same time, it provides alumni the opportunity to make a difference in the lives and careers of Marquette students and an opportunity to give back to their alma mater by sharing personal and professional experiences with current students, fellow alumni and future colleagues.

As a student, you can utilize Marquette Career Network in multiple ways:

Getting Started

It's easy to access your profile; just follow these steps:

Marquette Alumni can find out more about Marquette Career Network here

Tips and Videos

User 101: My Features 

You can find additional videos underneath the Resources tab within the Marquette Career Network platform. 


Need Assistance?

If you have any questions about Marquette Career Network, please call our office at (414) 288-7423 or email