Develop Career Management Skills

You approach career management with attention to self-awareness, intentional effort to grow knowledge related to profession, quiet reflection, and action toward fulfilling your unique purpose. 

To discuss your career journey, schedule an appointment with the MU Career Center. 

Hear from Employers

employer video coming soon 

Hear from Faculty

What does it mean to develop career management skills? What opportunities does Marquette University offer students to develop this competency? What might be a uniquely Marquette way of approaching it?

Associated Behaviors 

  • "Show an awareness of own strengths and areas for development."
  • "Identify areas for continual growth while pursuing and applying feedback."
  • "Develop plans and goals for one’s future career."
  • "Professionally advocate for oneself and others."
  • "Display curiosity; seek out opportunities to learn."
  • "Assume duties or positions that will help one progress professionally."
  • "Establish, maintain, and/or leverage relationships with people who can help one professionally."
  • "Seek and embrace development opportunities."
  • "Voluntarily participate in further education, training, or other events to support one’s career."



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