Collaborate for Solidarity

You collaborate for solidarity, prioritizing working for the good of the group and acting as a person for and with others. 

Hear from Employers

employer video coming soon 

Hear from Faculty

What does it mean to collaborate for solidarity in the workplace? What opportunities does Marquette University offer students to develop this competency? What might be a uniquely Marquette way of approaching it? 

Associated Behaviors 

  • "Listen carefully to others, taking time to understand and ask appropriate questions without interrupting."
  • "Effectively manage conflict, interact with and respect diverse personalities, and meet ambiguity with resilience."
  • "Be accountable for individual and team responsibilities and deliverables."
  • "Employ personal strengths, knowledge, and talents to complement those of others."
  • "Exercise the ability to compromise and be agile."
  • "Collaborate with others to achieve common goals."
  • "Build strong, positive working relationships with supervisor and team members/coworkers."
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