Academic Program Review Data Repository
For the purposes of academic program review, the Office of Institutional Research and Analysis is responsible for providing academic units with the data referenced in the Appendices for Self Study. Units undergoing a review will reference these data in their self-study. These documents will also serve as the appendices for the self-study. The appendices consist of multiple data tables related to an academic topic and are organized by unit and academic year. The data are available to units regardless of where they are in the program review cycle (except for appendices IV and XI).
Instructions for Accessing the Academic Information Repository
- If you are not already logged into SharePoint, you may be asked for your Marquette login credentials.
- Only department chairs, deans, members of the program review council, members of the Office of the Provost and their designees have access to the repository. If you need access, please contact
- Click here to request access to the repository.
How does the external review team access the data?
- Once you are ready to write the self-study, contact Linda Olszewski. She will download the appendices from the repository to a PDF, which can be provided to the review team.
Additional Resources