Dr. Judith Maloney2020 Teaching Excellence Award

Clinical Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences in the College of Health Sciences.

She is also a 2020 recipient of the John P. Raynor, S.J. Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence.

As a student, Maloney had always hoped to learn from a professor who truly cared about a student’s overall well-being and their future. So, when she began her career in higher education, she said she wanted to embody the educator she wished she had: one who shows up each day for her students with an interest in their career goals and their success.

Feedback from Maloney’s colleagues and students describing her as “one of Marquette’s most gifted, innovative and passionate teachers” and “an outstanding teacher mentor” proves Maloney is the difference she set out to become.

Someone who nominated Maloney for the award wrote Maloney is an invaluable presence and resource to the Biomedical Sciences Department.

“She is an amazing representative of our program and this university and is highly deserving of this honor,” the nominator added. “She is widely recognized as an exceptional and dedicated teacher who consistently delivers high-quality instruction, has a remarkable ability to connect with students and constantly strives for improvement and innovation in the classroom.”

Maloney’s commitment to her students and fellow faculty, as well as her experience, creativity and knowledge have helped her department flourish.

Known to tackle challenging teaching assignments with great enthusiasm — such as redesigning and developing courses — Maloney, with her positive attitude and exceptional work ethic, serves as a role model to many in the Marquette community.