Graduate Programs

Our engineering graduate options offer highly qualified students the opportunity to continue their engineering studies with the support of dedicated faculty, research opportunities and access to the latest technology in our labs and centers. For additional information on the programs below, please visit the Graduate Bulletin.*

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Five-year Bachelor's / Master's Program: 

Each department in the Opus College of Engineering at Marquette University offers programs that allow highly qualified students to complete a bachelor of science and master of science degree in five calendar years (six years for students enrolled in the Cooperative Education Program). By increasing course loads slightly junior year and/or by taking courses in the summer of junior and/or senior years, qualified students may be able to complete the bachelor's degree on schedule in four years and the master of science degree at the end of five calendar years.

Students intending to pursue one of these programs should begin planning at the end of sophomore year. Formal application to the program takes place during the second term of junior year. See individual departments for details.

Certificate Programs: 

Graduate engineering education reimagined.

Take the next step in your engineering career and gain the skills needed to lead organizations through the challenges and complexities facing the world. 

Our graduate certificates were designed with flexibility in mind. Students may attend courses on a part-time or full-time basis, and are offered the unique opportunity to take 12 credits for the tuition cost of 10 credits - a significant cost savings - perhaps more for those with employers offering tuition remission. For more information, visit the Graduate School or learn more about our certificate offerings: 

Biomedical Engineering Graduate Programs: 

Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Graduate Programs: 

Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Programs

Mechanical Engineering Graduate Programs: 

 *There is a new Bulletin edition for each academic year. The Marquette University Bulletins outline current policies for all students and curricular requirements for those students entering Marquette in a given academic year. Refer to the section on how to use the Bulletin for more information.