  • Dr. Fabien Josse
    Dr. Fabien JosseMarquette University

    Haggerty Hall

    MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
    (414) 288-6789Microsensor Research Lab
    Curriculum Vitae


    Electrical and Computer Engineering


    Ph.D., 1982, Electrical Engineering, University of Maine at Orono 
    M.S., 1979, Electrical Engineering, University of Maine at Orono
    License, 1976, Mathematics & Physics, Université du Benin

    Research Interests

    • Solid state and acoustic wave sensors (chemical sensors, biochemical sensors, biosensors)
    • Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) devices and sensors
    • Optical waveguide-based sensors
    • Smart sensor systems

    Selected Recent Publications

    A. Khatun, F. Bender, F. Josse, A.K. Mensah-Brown: Direct Monitoring of Battery SOC Utilizing GMI-IDT Magnetic Sensor, 2021 Joint Conf. of the EFTF/IEEE IFCS, DOI: 10.1109/EFTF/IFCS52194.2021.9604260

    N. Post, K. Sothivelr, F. Bender, A.J. Ricco, F. Josse: Multi-Component Sensor Coatings for Identification and Quantification of Four Chemical Isomers: Ethylbenzene and M-, P-, O-Xylene in Water, 239th ECS Meeting and 18th IMCS (2021), ECS Meeting Abstracts, Volume MA2021-01, IMCS 10: Chemical and Biosensing Materials and Sensing Interface Design, Abstract IMCS 10-1702, DOI: 10.1149/MA2020-01352428mtgabs

    L.A. Beardslee, C. Carron, K.S. Demirci, J. Lehman, S. Schwartz, I. Dufour, S.M. Heinrich, F. Josse, O. Brand: In-Plane Vibration of Hammerhead Resonators for Chemical Sensing Applications, ACS Sensors 5, (2020), 73-82, DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.9b01651

    N.D. Post, K. Sothivelr, F. Bender, F. Josse, A.J. Ricco, and E.E. Yaz: Design of Chemical Sensor Coatings Based on Blends of a Single Polymer-Plasticizer Pair for Detection of Single or Multi-Analyte Aqueous Solutions, Proc. Transducers 2019, 20th Int. Conf. on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII, ISBN: 978-1-7281-2007-2 • ISSN: 2167-0021, DOI: 10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2019.8808686

    A. Khatun, F. Bender, F. Josse, A.K. Mensah-Brown, R.D. Anderson, D. Washington: Micromagnetic Sensor Utilizing Single SAW IDT Shunt-Loaded with GMI Wire, 2020 Joint Conf. of the IEEE IFCS-ISAF, (2020), DOI: 10.1109/IFCS-ISAF41089.2020.9234856

    K. Sothivelr, F. Bender, F. Josse, E.E. Yaz and A.J. Ricco: Quantitative Detection of Complex Mixtures using a Single Chemical Sensor: Analysis of Response Transients using Multi-Stage Estimation, ACS Sensors 4 (2019), 1682–1690, DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.9b00564

    K. Sothivelr, F. Bender, F. Josse, E.E. Yaz and A.J. Ricco: Obtaining Chemical Selectivity from a Single, Nonselective Sensing Film: Two-Stage Adaptive Estimation Scheme with Multiparameter Measurement to Quantify Mixture Components and Interferents, ACS Sensors 3 (2018), 1656–1665, DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.8b00353

    P. Adhikari, L. Alderson, F. Bender, A.J. Ricco and F. Josse: Investigation of Polymer−Plasticizer Blends as SH-SAW Sensor Coatings for Detection of Benzene in Water with High Sensitivity and Long-Term Stability, ACS Sensors 2 (2017), 157–164, DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.6b00659

    K. Sothivelr, F. Bender, F. Josse, A.J. Ricco, E.E. Yaz, R.E. Mohler and R. Kolhatkar: Detection and Quantification of Aromatic Hydrocarbon Compounds in Water Using SH-SAW Sensors and Estimation-Theory-Based Signal Processing, ACS Sensors 1 (2016), 63–72, DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.5b00024

    K. Sothivelr, F. Bender, F. Josse, E.E. Yaz, A.J. Ricco and R.E. Mohler: Online Chemical Sensor Signal Processing Using Estimation Theory: Quantification of Binary Mixtures of Organic Compounds in the Presence of Linear Baseline Drift and Outliers, IEEE Sensors. J. 16 (2016), 750–761, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2015.2485784

    M. Sotoudegan, S.M. Heinrich, F. Josse, N.J. Nigro, I. Dufour, and O. Brand: Analytical Modeling of a Novel High-Q Disk Resonator for Liquid-Phase Applications, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, (JMEMS) Vol. 24, No. 1, (2015), pp. 38-49; DOI:10.1109/JMEMS.2014.2365719.

    Schultz, J.A., Heinrich, S.M., Josse, F., Dufour, I., Nigro, N.J., Beardslee, L.A., and Brand, O.: Lateral-Mode Vibration of Microcantilever-based Sensors in Viscous Fluids Using Timoshenko Beam Theory, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, (JMEMS) Vol. 24, No. 4 (2015), 848-860, DOI:10.1109/JMEMS.2014.2354596.


    Quick Links


    Dr. Majeed M. Hayat
    Chair and Professor
    Phone: (414) 288-6820
    Fax: (414) 288-7082

    Marquette University
    Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
    Olin Engineering Room 206
    1515 W. Wisconsin Avenue
    Milwaukee, WI 53233

    Opus College of Engineering


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