  • Dr. Chung Hoon Lee
    Dr. Chung Hoon LeeMarquette University

    Engineering Hall, 207

    MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
    (414) 288-4460Nanoscale Devices (MNDL) Lab
    Curriculum Vitae

    Associate Professor

    Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Google Scholar Page


    Lecturer/Researcher, California State University-Fresno 
    Postdoctoral Fellow, 2005, Columbia University 
    Postdoctoral Fellow, 2002-2003, Cornell University
    Ph.D., 2002, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison 
    B.S., 1998, Physics, Dongguk University

    Research Interests

    • Micro/Nano scale device fabrication, characterization, and analysis
    • Ultrasonic/Bio MEMS
    • Microfluidics
    • Thermal analysis of bio/chemical molecules
    • Molecular electronics
    • Thermoelectric material design, fabrication, and analysis
    • Near-field scanning optical microscopy
    • Atomic force microscopy probe developments
    • Bio/chemical sensors

    Selected Recent Publications

    Davaji, B., Bak, H., Chang, W.-J., Lee, C. H. (2014). A novel on-chip 3D micromachined calorimeter with fully enclosed and suspended thin-film chamber for thermal characterization of liquid samples. Biomicrofluidics, 8 (3), 034101.

    B. Davaji and C.-H. Lee, ``A paper-based calorimetric microfluidics platform for bio-chemical sensing,'' Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 59, pp. 120-126, 2014

    A. K. Vutha, B. Davaji, C.-H. Lee, G. M. Walker, ``A microfluidic device for thermal particle detection,'' Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, DOI:10.1007/s10404-014-1369-z, 2014

    J. H. Han, S. Radhakrishnan and C.-H Lee, ``A novel batch-processing method for accurate crystallographic axis alignment,'' J. Micromech. Microeng., 23, 055017, 2013

    J. H. Han, K. Song, S. Radhakrishnan, S. H. Oh, and C.-H Lee, ``A suspended nanogap formed by field-induced atomically sharp tips,'' Appl. Phys. Lett., 101, 183106, 2012

    J. H. Han, N. Yoshimizu, C. Jiang, A. Lal, and C.-H Lee, ``Electroluminescence from a suspended tip-synthesized nano ZnO dot,'' Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 121113, 2011


    "A disposable paper-based calorimetric microfluidics platform for real-time lead ions and bio-chemical sensing in water," sponsored by NSF I/UCRC 

    "Nano-Optical Tether System for Precision Nanowires (Tip-based Nanofab)," sponsored by DARPA MTO

    "Micro-Calorimeter for Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring," sponsored by NSF I/UCRC

    "Germanium Quantum Dot-Silicon Nanowire Superlattices for Thermoelectric Applications," sponsored by DoD Air Force

    "Nano-DSC Array for Sensor Applications," sponsored by DARPA MTO

    "Ultra Efficient Si/SiGe Nanowire Thermoelectric Materials for Converting Waste Heat to Electrical Energy," sponsored by DOE NREL

    "An absolute temperature sensors," sponsored by DARPA MTO

    "SPM/AFM Probe developments and commercialization," sponsored by Asylum Research Inc.

    Quick Links


    Dr. Majeed M. Hayat
    Chair and Professor
    Phone: (414) 288-6820
    Fax: (414) 288-7082

    Marquette University
    Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
    Olin Engineering Room 206
    1515 W. Wisconsin Avenue
    Milwaukee, WI 53233

    Opus College of Engineering


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