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M.S. and Certificate in Orthodontics

Orthodontic training at Marquette is provided in a 26.5 month program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. The orthodontic residents are certified dentists who are being trained to be specialists in orthodontics.

Orthodontic faculty are certified dentists who have completed two to three years of specialty training in an accredited orthodontic residency program beyond their four years of dental school training. Most orthodontic faculty are board certified by the ABO.

First-year residents normally take on an initial caseload of 40–50 patients, then receive an additional transfer of 50 patients during the second year of their training.

Residents must execute a research project and defend a master's thesis to graduate. The program accepts five residents each year and fulfills eligibility requirements of the American Board of Orthodontics. Approximately 20 candidates are invited for interviews every year based on the selection criteria. The orthodontics program participates in the National Matching Service.

There is a strong commitment from the local orthodontic community, and our part-time and full-time faculty provide all clinic coverage. We have 20 part-time clinical professors who have broad experience in applied orthodontics. Twelve faculty are ABO board certified, and five are current members of the Angle Society.

The program has three full-time faculty. Dr. Dawei Liu is director of the graduate orthodontic program.


Application requirements

An online application is available on the Graduate School’s website. If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the Graduate School.


Contact information

Interested in becoming an orthodontic graduate student? Contact the Graduate School.

Are you a patient seeking orthodontic treatment? Contact the Orthodontic Clinic.

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State Licensure/Certification Disclosure for Graduate Dentistry Programs