Foreign-Trained Applicants

Dentists who were trained in countries outside the United States but want to practice here may apply for advanced standing admissions. These candidates are required to complete three years of study at Marquette. Marquette admits foreign-trained dentists on a space-available basis. The number of spaces available each year is generally unknown until March. The program typically begins in May or August of each year. At the conclusion of the three-year program, the student receives a D.D.S. degree.

The application deadline for our Advanced Standing program is January 1. Potential applicants must apply using the Centralized Application for Advanced Placement for International Dentists. The CAAPID application will open for the class beginning in August 2025 on March 7, 2024.

As part of their application packets, candidates are required to submit the following:

Selected candidates will be invited for an interview with the Admissions Committee and a bench test.

Note: Any candidate accepted with advanced standing is required to complete three years of study at Marquette. These candidates join the rising freshman class after acceptance. Limited spaces are available on an annual basis.

D.D.S. Program Admissions contact