Research Agenda
At the organizational level, Dr. Ow is interested in understandng how investment
in information technology affects firm performance. He is also interested in
understanding the decision-making process in IT investment. Currently,
he is studying how characteristics of the individual such as trust, perceived
security affects acceptance of electronic commerce transaction including ebay transaction.
Devaraj, S., Ow, T. T., and Kohli, R. (2013), "Examining the impact of information technology on healthcare performance: A theory of swift and even flow (TSEF) perspective," Journal of Operations Management, (31:4), 181-192.
Kohli, R., Devaraj, S. and Ow, T. T. (2012), "Does information technology investment influences firm's market value? The case of non-publicly traded healthcare firms," MIS Quarterly, (36:4), 1145-1163.
Ray, S., Ow, T. T., and Kim, S. (2011), "Security assurance: How online service providers can influence security control perceptions and gain trust," Decision Sciences, (42:2), 391-412.
Ow, T. T. and Wood, C. A. (2011), "Which online channel is right? Online auction channel choice for personal computers in the presence of demand decay," Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, (10:2), 203-213.
Ow, T. T. and Morris, J. G. (2010), "An experimental study of executive decision-making with possible implications for decision support," Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, (20:4), 370-397.
- Kim, D., Ow, T. T. and Jun, M. (2008),
"Strategies and practices of small-medium enterprises in e-business and supply chain management: An assessment of high versus low performers," Communications of the ACM
, (51:11), Nov. 2008, 113-117.
- Liginlal, D. and Ow, T. T. (2006), "Modeling attitude to
risk in human decision processes: An application of fuzzy
measures," Fuzzy Sets and Systems, (157:23),
Dec. 2006, 3040-3054.
- Liginlal, D. and Ow, T. T. (2005), "On policy capturing
with fuzzy measures," European Journal of Operational
Research, (167:2), Dec. 2005, 461-474.
- Wood, C. A. and Ow, T. T. (2005), "WEBVIEW - An SQL
extension for joining corporate data to data derived
from the web," Communications of the ACM,
(48:9), Sep. 2005, 99-104.
- Turetken, O., Schuff, D., Sharda, R. and Ow, T. T. (2004),
"Supporting Systems analysis and design through fisheye
views," Communications of the ACM, (47:9),
Sep. 2004, 72-77.
- De Leone, R. and Ow, T. T. (1991), "Parallel implementation
of Lemke's algorithm on the hypercube," Operations
Research Society of America (INFORMS) Journal on Computing,
(3:1), Winter 1991, 56-62.