Welcome to Tutoring

Interested in tutoring this summer?  Email tutoring@marquette.edu for information.  

Exciting things are happening as we plan for Fall 2024!  We are on the move... stay tuned!

LCSS coming soon sign 

Our office is here to support your academic needs! Tutoring is a free service available to all Marquette University students. We hire a staff of approximately 80 tutors each semester who have succeeded in the course they tutor for and are eager to help others learn.
Our programs offers support for select freshman and sophomore courses (1000 and 2000 levels) that have historically been challenging subjects for students. Tutoring is provided in both small and large group formats depending on the subject. Our small group tutoring requires a sign-up and happens once weekly, large group tutoring is open to all students at any time. Please see specific details on each of these types of groups below. Additionally, our office provides review sessions for certain subjects before exams. 

  • math review
  • Small Group Tutoring

  • ACCO 1030/1031, BIOL 1001/1002, BUAD 1560, CHEM 1001/H, CHEM 1002/H, ECON 1103/1104, MATH 1200, MATH 1400, MATH 1450, MATH 1455, MATH 1700
  • Various small groups for these subjects will be offered throughout the week. Students will be required to sign up for the group(s) they would like to attend. Students may sign up for 1 group per subject they are enrolled in. Groups meet at the same time each week, so it is important students select a group that works with their schedule. Groups will consist of 1 tutor and up to 6 students.
  • If the group times do not fit your schedule, you can place yourself on our waitlist. We ask that students list all availability they have when joining the waitlist. This allows us more flexibility to create groups based on the students' and tutors' schedules.
  • Any questions, please email tutoring@marquette.edu
  • Large Group Tutoring

  • Large group does not require a sign up (unless indicated below with an *). Students can attend as they would like. Sessions are 1.5 hours in length, including structured review and time for Q&A. Large group sessions will have 2 or 3 tutors present to lead the session.  Please arrive on time.