1. Wayne M. Angevine: "Transitional,
entraining, cloudy, and coastal boundary layers"
2. Ben Balsley, "The
CIRES thethered lifting system: a survey of the system, past
accomplishments and future capabilities"
3. Robert M. Banta, Y.L. Pichugina,
W.A. Brewer, R.M Hardesty: "Stable boundary layer regimes
from the perspective of the low-level jet"
4. Sukanta Basu. A.M.Holtslag,
B.J.H. Van de Wiel,, A.F. Moene, and G.J.Steeneveld: "An
inconventional 'truth' about using the sensible heat flux as
a surfae boundary condition in models under stably stratified
5. Joan Cuxart: "Nocturnal
basin low-level jets: an integrated study"
6. Andrey A. Grachev, E. L
Andreas, C. W. Fairall, P. S. Guest, and P. O. G. Persson: "Turbulent
measurements in the stable atmospheric boundary layer during
SHEBA: 10 years after"
7. Evgenii Fedorovich, "Effects
of wind shear on the convective entrainment"
8 David Pino, and J.Vila:
"A review on the entrainment heat flux representations:
from purely convective to near neutral conditions"
19. Zbigniew Sorbjan: "Gradient-based
similarity in the atmospheric boundary layer"
10. Mathias Rotach: "Turbulence
characteristics and exchange meachanisms in highly complex terrain"