CRLS Study Abroad Opportunities

Are there any CRLS courses offered abroad?

There are currently two study abroad courses that meet elective requirements for a CRLS major. Both study abroad courses are intensive, two week summer classes offered for 3 credit hours. The courses are taught occasionally.

Finland/Estonia/Lithuania Comparative Crime and Criminal Justice

Students will study issues of crime and punishment alongside European students from Tampere University in Finland. Individuals studying criminal justice will benefit from experiential learning through prison tours, museum visits, and interactions with criminal justice organizations. Students will hear from guest speakers including criminal justice practitioners, former inmates, and academic experts in the field.

Korea Comparative Crime and Punishment

This class will examine the issues relating to crime and criminal justice in America and Korea.  American students travel to Seoul, Korea for 2 weeks during a summer session for instruction on issues concerning comparative crime and punishment. The class covers American crime patterns, the United States criminal justice system and basic content on Korean society, Korean crime patterns, and the Korean criminal justice system.

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