  • Julia Azari
    Julia Azari, Ph.D.Marquette University

    Wehr Physics Hall, 458

    MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
    (414) 288-6211
    Curriculum Vitae


    Political Science

    Prof. Julia Azari is Professor in the Department of Political Science at Marquette University. She holds Ph.D., M.A. and M.Phil. degrees in political science from Yale University, and a B.A. in political science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research and teaching interests include the American presidency, American political parties, political communication and American political development. Her research has been supported by the Marquette University Regular Research Grant, the Harry Middleton Fellowship in Presidential Studies, the Gerald Ford Presidential Library Foundation Travel Grant,  the Harry Truman Library Institute Scholars Award, the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and the Library of Congress. 

    Prof. Azari is a regular contributor at the political science blog The Mischiefs of Faction. Her work has also appeared in the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog and in Politico.


    Ph.D., Yale University, 2007

    Courses Taught

    • POSC 2201 American Politics | Syllabus
    • POSC 4201 The American Congress | Syllabus
    • POSC 4211 The American Presidency | Syllabus
    • POSC 6211 Congress and the Presidency

    Research Interests

    Prof. Azari's research interests include the American presidency, American political development, and political parties. Her research looks at the relationship between presidents and parties, how formal and informal rules matter, and how change occurs across different institutions.



    • Julia R. Azari, Delivering the People’s Message: The Changing Politics of the Presidential Mandate. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2014.
    • Julia R. Azari, Lara M. Brown and Zim Nwokora, eds. The Presidential Leadership Dilemma: Between the Constitution and a Political Party. Albany: SUNY Press, 2013.


    • 2022. Julia R. Azari and Seth Masket, “Obama’s Party? An Examination of Whether a Reluctant Leader Transformed the Democratic Party in His Favor,” The Forum, vol. 20, no. 2, 257-274. (internally reviewed)
    • 2019. “It’s the Institutions, Stupid: The Real Roots of America’s Political Crisis,” Foreign Affairs 98(52). (internally reviewed)
    • 2017. Andrew Gelman and Julia Azari, “19 Things We Learned from the 2016 Election,” Discussion Paper/Julia Azari and Andrew Gelman, Response to Discussants, Statistics and Public Policy. 4(1): 1-10. (invited, internally reviewed)
    • 2016. Julia R. Azari and Marc Hetherington. “Back to the Future? What the Politics of the Late Nineteenth Century Can Tell Us About the 2016 Election,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences. 667: 92-109. (invited, internally reviewed)
    • 2014. Julia R. Azari and Justin S. Vaughn, “Barack Obama and the Rhetoric of Electoral Logic,” Social Science Quarterly. 94, no. 2, 523-540. (peer-reviewed)
    • 2013. Julia R. Azari, “Institutional Change and the Presidential Mandate,” Social Science History 37, no. 4, 483-514. (peer-reviewed)
    • 2012. Jose D. Villalobos, Justin S. Vaughn, and Julia R. Azari, “Politics or Policy? How Rhetoric Matters to Presidential Leadership of Congress,” Presidential Studies Quarterly 42, no. 3 (September), 549-576. (peer-reviewed)
    • 2012.  Julia R. Azari and Jennifer K. Smith, “Informal Institutions in Advanced Industrial Democracies,” Perspectives on Politics 10, no. 1 (March), 37-55. (peer-reviewed)

    Book Chapters and Invited Articles 

    • Forthcoming. Julia R. Azari and Alexis Nemecek, “Populism, popular sovereignty, and periphery,” in Popular Fictions: Popular Sovereignty in Theory and Practice, Ewa Attanassow, Thomas Bartscherer, and David Bateman, eds. Cambridge University Press. (peer-reviewed)
    • 2022. Preface, Midterms and Mandates: Electoral Reassessment of Presidents and Parties, Patrick Andelic, Mark McClay, and Robert Mason, eds. University of Edinburgh Press. (invited)
    • 2020. “The Scrambled Cycle,” in American Political Development and the Trump Presidency, Zachary Callen and Philip Rocco, eds. University of Pennsylvania Press. (peer-reviewed)
    • 2019. “Are Parties Inherently Conservative?” in The Making of the Presidential Candidates 2020, Jonathan Bernstein and Casey Dominguez, eds. Rowman and Littlefield. (invited, internally reviewed)
    • 2019. “Party Foul: How Obama Made Partisan, Not Party, Politics in a Polarized Environment,” in The Obama Legacy, Bert Rockman and Andrew Rudalevige, eds. University Press of Kansas. (peer-reviewed)
    • 2018. Julia R. Azari and Seth Masket, “’The Mandate of the People:’ The 2016 Sanders Campaign in Context,” in The State of the Parties 2018: The Changing Role of Contemporary Political Parties, John C. Green, Daniel J. Coffey and David B. Cohen, eds. Rowman and Littlefield. (internally reviewed)
    • 2017. Julia R. Azari and Seth Masket, “Intraparty Democracy and the 2016 Election,” in Conventional Wisdom, Parties, and Broken Barriers in the 2016 Election, Jennifer Lucas, Christopher Galdieri, and Tauna Starbuck Sisco, eds. Lexington Books. (internally reviewed)
    • 2017. Julia R. Azari, “Presidents and Political Parties,” in New Directions in the American Presidency, 2nd ed., edited by Lori Cox Han. Routledge. (invited to update for the third edition)
    • 2015. Julia R. Azari and Benjamin A. Stewart, “Online Opinion Leaders and the Dynamics of Electoral Logic,” chapter in Controlling the Message: Campaigning and Governing in an Information Rich Environment, Victoria A. Farrar-Myers and Justin S. Vaughn, eds. New York: NYU Press. (peer-reviewed)
    • 2013. Julia R. Azari, “Presidential Mandates and the Leadership Dilemma: William J. Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama,” in Julia R. Azari, Lara M. Brown and Zim Nwokora, eds. The Presidential Leadership Dilemma: Between the Constitution and a Political Party. Albany: SUNY Press. (peer-reviewed)
    • 2010. Sendhil Mullainathan, Ebonya Washington, and Julia R. Azari, “The Impact of Electoral Debate on Public Opinions: An Experimental Investigation of the 2005 New York City Mayoral Election,” in Political Representation, Ian Shapiro, Susan C. Stokes, Elisabeth Jean Wood and Alexander Kirshner, eds. New York: Cambridge. (peer-reviewed)

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    Department of Political Science
    Wehr Physics Building, Room 468
    1420 W. Clybourn St. 
    Milwaukee, WI 53233
    (414) 288-6842

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