Accelerated Degree Program

The Five Year B.A./M.A. Program

The Department of Political Science now offers a five year B.A./M.A. Accelerated Degree Program in political science and International Affairs. If you are admitted to this program, you may count some courses taken during your senior year toward both your B.A. and an M.A. This will enable you to complete both a B.A. and an M.A. in five years instead of the six that would normally be required.

An Opportunity for Deeper Learning

The Department’s M.A. programs in Political Science offer courses that can take you far beyond the undergraduate level. Those who have completed our M.A. have gone on to some of the finest graduate schools, launched careers in a variety of government agencies, and gained employment in various settings in the private sector.

Graduate courses in our program offer students the possibility to pursue topics of interest to them in more depth than they are able to in undergraduate classes. These courses couple smaller class sized and more opportunities for participation with an emphasis on the refinement of student research skills.

Program Information


Program Admission

B.A./M.A. Credits

Additional Information

If you are interested in this program, please see the Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Political Science, Dr. Mark Berlin. Dr. Berlin can be reached at