Welcome to the Department of Philosophy!



Recently featured on the Wisconsin Humanities podcast, Human Powered: Philosophy's own Theresa Tobin and the Education Preparedness Program (EPP)!

Picture of EPP on Wisconsin Humanities website

Listen to it here! And visit the EPP website for more information about this impactful program, including upcoming opportunities to apply for a blended course yourself! 


New options for our Philosophy majors! Explore our new optional concentrations for Philosophy majors

Check out the Spring 2025 Undergraduate Electives and Graduate Courses.

New Faces in Philosophy! Meet our new Teaching Assistant Professors: Dr. Claire Lockard and Dr. Daniel Swaim.

Department Reading Groups

Marquette Midwest Seminar in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
For more information, visit the seminar website or contact Owen Goldin.

Classical German Philosophy Reading Group
Meets Fridays, 2pm-3pm. (Starts Oct 4, 2024). For more information, contact Michael Olson.

Grad Student Peer Workshop
Usually meets every other Friday, 3:30pm-4:30pm. For more information, contact Emily Lange.


Workshop in Applied Philosophy
October 25, 2024
This semester’s participants are: Megan Hyska (Northwestern University), Alida Liberman (Southern Methodist University), Hallie Liberto (University of Maryland), Rekha Nath (University of Alabama), and Annette Zimmerman (University of Wisconsin-Madison). Please contact Dr. Perez Gomez if you’d like to attend. Attendance is limited. 

North American Kant Society Midwest Study Group
November 1-2, 2024
Marquette University, in collaboration with UW-Milwaukee, welcomes the North American Kant Society for the annual meeting of the Midwest Study Group. For more information, visit the workshop website or email MidwestNAKS2024@mu.edu.

For more details, Philosophy Department news, and a full list of upcoming events, go to our News and Events page.